Broke lower branch, chop or leave? Help

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by nlftw, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Just had to do major surgery because floralux is a piece of shit, had to take off my reflector because it blocked half of my air circulation, and the piece holding the glass dropped and took down a branch.

    Its still on but was laying down. I zipped tied it but now its somewhat upside down. Do I leave it or chop it and give her a test try?


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  2. it should heal itself i would leave it.
  3. I would leave it too. Downside up wont hurt anything. She will turn towards the light
  4. Get a small piece of duct tape and lightly bandage the break
    The stem will heal itself as long as it not broken completely off
    about a few weeks remove tape and see the nice repaired section.

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