Broke bong downstem, where to buy new one for cheap?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by bluefrosty, Oct 23, 2017.

  1. Basically I chipped the end of the downstem so now I'm sucking way too much air (still works sort of but it's no longer a 'diffused' tip?)

    It's a 10 inch bong. The only info I have on it is below:

    The joint size of the water pipe is 18.8mm, the outside of the downstem is 18.8mm, the inside of the downstem is 14.4mm, the bowl is 14.4mm .

    Could one of you beautiful people show me what I need to buy? Is it 18mm by 14mm? Is there anything for like 10$?
  2. [​IMG]
    downstems are like 5 bucks
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  3. A few companies out there are making silicone downstems now. It sounds interesting, indestructible, and easy to clean. I'd check it out if you need a new one. I personally don't currently own any pieces with a removable down stem so I haven't tried one yet so if you decide to go that route let us know how it is.

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