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Britney Dubstep????

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by kokostoner93, Feb 6, 2011.

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  1. has anyone ever heard the new britney spears song "Hold It Against Me". it's got a sick ass beat and is pretty good. I just want to know what your guy's opinon on this song is if you heard it.
  2. yea it gets real dubsteppy in the middle. pretty sick. lol
  3. dubstep is sick as fuck it makes my high so intense. its the perfect combination of music while im stoned even though i like rock better :metal:

    I dont know what it is but it just takes me to another world...

  4. Is that one of the ones Rusko helped produce? I fucking love dubstep but Rusko's new shit doesn't cut it for me anymore.
  5. Damn the Industry is really diggin deep, signs of the times I guess, I'm considering Christianity
  6. I can not stand dubstep. Something about random computer generated beats over and over again just sounds too bland to me.
  7. DUBSTEP! FTW!!!

    [ame=]YouTube - Ellie Goulding - Starry Eyed (Jakwob Remix)[/ame]
    [ame=]YouTube - Röyksopp - Happy Up Here (Boys Noize Remix)[/ame]
  8. Did someone say Britney dubstep?..

    [ame=]YouTube - Borgore - womanizer (dubstep) (FULL)[/ame]
  9. #9 SuperH, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    Great drug, and great song!
  10. I hate Britney's new song.

  11. Thank you Royksopp I can always rely on you to make sense.
  12. Hehe, sarcasm? If not, why thank you :D
  13. i don't see why you guys don't think she shouldn't be able to do that because she "needs to stick to her pop roots."

    that's just plain ignorant and wrong.
  14. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. :wave:
  15. #17 forthelulz, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    I respect your opinion, but it seems you're not looking for the right dub. i get exactly where you're coming from, some producers have extremely bland and generic songs that you would never want to hear again, but there does exist a more intricate variety. Personally I hate the 'filthy' dubstep, my preference is more chilled out songs. Not that now and again i wont blast cracks or something hah

    [ame=]YouTube - Gengar - Chill (dubstep)[/ame]

    nice chill song

    Edit: Ontopic, I heard this song only once on the radio a few months ago at the gym and it's horrible. Nothing new or innovative. Just my opinion
  16. Seriously? Britney spears..this is scary
  17. Eh, I listened to it. I'm still not a Britney fan. :/

    BUT I am a pokefan, and that Gengar song is sweet!
  18. [ame=]YouTube - Skrillex - Scream and Shout (Live Last Dubstep Mix)[/ame]
    [ame=]YouTube - Chrispy - Inspector Gadget (Dubstep Remix)[/ame]
    Fuck yeah Dubstep! :metal:
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