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Bringing Pot Into Canada

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by David Forest, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. I'm going to be going on vacation to Canada next month and I was wondering how risky it would be to bring along an eighth. Do they have dogs at the checkpoint? Also, if I wantedto just buy some bud while in Canada, how readily available is it? Thanks. 

  2. bud is preeetty easy to find in populated cities. what part are you going to?
  3. I'm heading to Ontario, more specifically the Sauble Beach area. 
  4. Sneaking weed into canada is like sneaking chocolate into a chocolate factory...
  5. Sneaking weed into canada is like sneaking chocolate into a chocolate factory...
  6. So there aren't any dogs on the border? 
  7. I am not sure if that is easy or difficult to do? lol. I mean I wouldn't try to sneak a snickers into the Hershie factory.
  8. doubtful

    sneaky weed into canada is like trying to bring a gun into a federal building
  9. I was saying that doing it is pointless aince the place you are going is full of what you want....

    Went right over all of your heads haha

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