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Bringing bud to parties

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dfs, May 29, 2009.

  1. Let me start out by saying I usually smoke alone, my friends want to me to come to this huge party, $5 or bring something.

    My question is, should I just pay for $5 or show I have brought bud? My thoughts would be if I showed, I would most likely be asked by more for hits.. I would rather just keep it between my friends.

    Any experiences on this? I don't have a problem smoking out friends, and a couple of random chill people.. but would rather stay away from people just trying to get high and can't pitch in anything.
  2. Just bring like an 1/8th or maybe a little more and let people partake of it, but keep what you like, and then you can smoke as much as you want as well.
  3. It depends on how much you were bringing....if you were planning on bringing more than like....a dub then you could just show them one bag and be like "This is all I have" then keep whatever for you and your friends, and only smoke others up on that one bag.

    But in all honesty, it's your bud man. YOU'RE the one that payed for it.
    If you roll a blunt, just say "if one person throws fives whoever wants to hit this can"
    That's how I do it at parties

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