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Bringing a scale after getting ripped off?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by four24ever, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. so i picked up from a new guy cuz my dealer went to college :(. anyway, i bought an eighth and got like 2.8 or something. It was really good shit, so im not too pissed. anyway, i figured next time i pick up from him ill bring a scale. Is this a good idea? im a non confrontational person so im kinda worried haha.

    or should i just move on and find another guy?
  2. nah man, bring the scale with you next time, if your guy has a problem with it then he's most likely burnin you man, if he is, you should find a new guy anyways.
  3. Consider that in a lot of areas weed + scale = felony intent charge. Weigh it when you get home and talk to your guy if it's short. Don't bust out a scale on him before you even give him a chance to make that short sack right.
  4. Just find a new guy.
  5. #5 P8NTBLR, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2010

    Im the same as you dude non-confrontational so I bought an OZ of Reggie from my dealer and got home to weight it and it came out to be 20g. I txt him to let him know the bag was light 8g and he said he didnt scale it..... he gave me the 8g later on and I found another dealer.
  6. Here's what my social circle does whenever we're grabbing off someone new. The FIRST time we ever talk to a new dealer, whoever is on the phone at the time will politely ask "you don't mind if we bring a scale, do you?" If the dealer hesitates, we don't grab.

    In this way, no one loses face.

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