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bringin weed home without gettin caught

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by grandaddyganja, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. so yea usually when i go out i buy sum bud but sumtimes my parents check me when i get home
    whats a good way to hide it without gettin caught n if u cud tell me how to hide the smell too that be g :smoke:
  2. your shoe. if not make a device that strapps to your balls ( no joke) and youll do fine. dont spray mad axe everywhere.. its just as obvious as reaking like good 'ol WADE.
  3. oh, sorry, the smelling part.. make sure its air tight bag, and not a zipp lock. those do leak smells. try a small glass jar.. how much do you get? if its justa g, you can fit that anywhere
  4. your parents search you? damn harsh. well you can get these smelly proof bags at your local head shop. put the bud in the bag then the bag in your shoe or sock or stick it to your balls or wherever and your good to go.
  5. OK, follow this and you'll be fine. You know jock straps that you wear for sports and you put a cup in it for your balls? Take the cup out of the pouch on the jock strap and it can hold around a quarter ounce and a smaller piece. For the smell, one shot of cologne around 15 minutes before you go home will override all other smells without it being obvious.
  6. if you get 1 or 2 grams your shoe will work perfectly. i also put it in my sock even though its uncomfortable.
  7. smoke it :cool:
    and when your parents search you,
    you make sure they search you
    to prove them wrong haha
  8. in your shoe in the very very front and curl your toes if its a small enough amount. in your wallet. if you have hair that covers your ears then put it behind your ear like a pen. or liek i do you kinda roll up your sleeve inwards to your warm so it makes somewhat of a pocket inside oyur shirt and then put it there. but if its n ounce then you can check the best places to hide it post i explain a way to hide it in the sole of your shoe. i'll ty and find a link to it ^_^.
  9. taped it by your nads or in your shoe...but sooner or later they'll get smart and check your shoes but i doubt they will check by your nads:D
  10. how old are you that your parents search you? I think we got a minor lol. other wise just tell your parents your a grown man and will call the cops if they touch you
  11. wow, you are 18 and get searched...that blows man.

    honestly, hide the weed outside in your car or near the house, and sneak out and grab it later if its that big of a deal.
  12. Well thats dumb.Not the minor part but about calling the cops.You see its there house(there names on the lease)so the cops will probably searcxh you after they say he brings weed home.If you underage and do this the cops will search you wihtout your consent.
  13. Under-18 alert.

    Smuggling drugs into your your parents house. Yeah, when I stay at home (three times a year, maybe?) I bring weed in, but just in my pocket nothing special. They know what's up. Just try not to act all shifty or have them hear you emptying the fridge at 2am (How I got caught my first time in high school lol).
  14. My dad once yelled at me for wasting my money on a dime of
  15. my parents check there too
  16. #16 randgen, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2008
    Ask your parents to show their badge. And then say 'o sry i mistook you for cops'. Then pull out a fat jay, light up, blow the smoke in their face and move out the next day.

    Or if that isn't an option. Don't smoke or keep weed around your parents house I guess.
  17. k well asuming your underage you carry a backpack and binder....take a hi lighter and take the ink cartridge out stick your g in a smell proof bag stick the bag in the hi lighter and put the cap back on the back...then stick that in your binder/backpack and hope they dont look there
  18. Try your wallet, if it's small amounts. If your parents are searching you than I would get creative! Try putting it UNDER the cushionie sole of your shoe, or you could tape the baggie to the INSIDE of your pantleg. If they ask you to remove your clothing to check you, than they may not ask you to turn your pant leg inside out....Um, when walking inside the house before they check you, leave your baggie outside. After they check you, wait a little while and go outside to retrieve it. If they give you a quick sec to stash it indoors somewhere before they search you, do that, and grab it later after they search you. The smell isn't hard to do. Try the trusty film canister. just toss it somewhere when you walk inside, pick it up later, you're clear!

    Hope this helps


  19. Your shoes or your nads?
  20. Ok well if your parents are checking your nutsat 18+ there is probably a problem lmao.

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