Why is the single greatest assset to humanity still illegal in most countries? from carbon neutral fuels, to collesterol reducing agents, to rope stronger than nylon, to biodegradeable plastics, and above all else the single most effective and broadly applicable theraputic substance known to man. If only i could get into cannabis activism here in Tennessee, but alas, the stigma attatched the cannabis here is worse than pretty much anywhere else in the world. i belive i have helped to do my part by sowing cannabis seeds all over the local state parks to grow wild (the Mark Emory philosophy) but beyond that i cant do much more than share videos and comments on Facebook and websites like this I suffer from epilepsy and SEVER adult ADHD, and guess what, the most effective medicine i have found, is none other than cannabis, i have been able to stop taking my stimulant medications ans Keppra for seizrues completely, have been free of seizures for more than 8 months, and after 8 years have finally been able to attain my Drivers Liscense again, i have undergone EEG's and found that my risk of seizures has dropped by 80% and will continue to do so every 6 months, i have informed my neurologist that i have stopped taking my keppra, and he is dumbfounded as to why my brain somehow appears to be "working" all of a sudden. (i will not inform him of my marijuana intake, because of the stigma attached to it here and the God Complex that some doctors around here have) MY MAIN QUESTION, how would one go about starting a movement in the local area? without incriminating one's self. I mean, if it comes down to it im prepared to walk the streets by myself with an "End is NIGH" style sign thrown over my shoulders. pretty much if prohibition has not ended by the time im on my death bed, i will curse humanity (not all of it ) with my LAST DYING BREATH and for entertainment, if you have not seen it yet [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhU02nDsUSw&feature=related]Medical Cannabis and Its impact on Human Health - YouTube[/ame]
I'm not bashing your views or anything bro. I'm right there with you. I was born in the south and hate to say this but I think it's true. The south will be the last people to legalize weed. The Bible belt is so firm on their beliefs that they will fight it till they can't anymore. After its legalized they will act like they were for it all along even though they were on the front lines trying to fight it. Good luck dude I'm praying for you fight the strong fight! We will win
well, kentucky and TN are brothers in arms, and have vowed to be the last states to allow MMJ, and to be the only states to hold criminal marijuana laws even if it is federally decriminalized, simply because of the "Horiible threat marijuana poses to our society" lol you fucking dumbasses in the Justice System...marijuana IS our society
East TN here. Yeah we the bible belt will be the last. We have old style people in the justice and goverment system that will not be happy to adpot a new set of laws(decrim). Tn/kentucky very proud states. i love kentucky. especially Louisville. (the weird town/city as they say)
Im stuck in the Meth Capitol of the country, and yet 80% of our TOTAL arrests are for simple marijuana posession, i can walk into my neighborhood and point out 3 seperate houses in 6 blocks, all of which i know beyond a shadow of a doubt are meth cooking households anyone else realise what the real problem here is? How fucked up is it when the cops sit at the bottom of the drug neighborhoods and bust user after user that dcomes down, and yet the same people are selling this POISON that were 2 years ago, and ALL my contacts for bud except for two are now un happily behind bars. im tired of it, and have actually decided to take my local activism to a new level this weekend, you remember my end is nigh sign statement? me and 4 otheres have already got more than 20 people to agree to show up on the PUBLIC sidewalk in Clinton, TN, right outside the corrupt ass police department, and have people filming from the community center across the street, so when i INEVITABLY get arrested for it, and get searched without consent, and get thrown to my face in the pavement like what happened when i was fucking 14 with a roach, ill be able to hold a case against the clinton police department, im also planning on waiting at the bottom of a certain hill in clinton, and film all the police busting the meth addicts leaving certain houses, yet NEVER bust the house the addicts come from, leading me to believe either they have paid off, or are working with the clinton police I dont live in clinton, but it is the perfect place, as you CANNOT drive the speed limit in that town without a cop pulling you over if you have beat up car (i worked in Oak Ridge for a bit, and EVERY SINGLE DAY, when i went through clinton, one of the same 3 cops would pull me over, they knew i was a stoner, and all they did was make up a new bullshit reason to try and get me to allow them into my vehicle but i am a criminal justice major and embarrassed the shit out of the officers in front of about 30 people at a gas station....now they dont fuck with me anymore...and it is TIME TO FUCK WITH THEM! Yo Marc emery, prepare for an exciting letter, from someone who actually gives a shit and is going to do something about the injustice, even in small town america, and by the way VOTE, VOTE, FUCKING VOTE, YOU LAZY ASS STONERS, if you never get out and vote, the laws will NEVER change Marc emery is a true inspiration, a born speaker, and our greatest weapon [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp0jAb4mj1I[/ame]
If you are going to do this, you NEED my List! (see my sig) With it you can pick out easy to read, but educational articles. What will old "Jimmy Bob" think when he learns that Aricept is a dud of an anti-Alzheimer's medicine when compared to THC? Marijuana May Slow Alzheimer's (news - 2006) [FONT="]Marijuana May Slow Alzheimer's[/FONT] “THC blocks an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase, which speeds the formation of amyloid plaque in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease. The Alzheimer's drugs Aricept and Cognex work by blocking acetylcholinesterase. When tested at double the concentration of THC, Aricept blocked plaque formation only 22% as well as THC, and Cognex blocked plaque formation only 7% as well as THC.” Or maybe you will reach them with one about breast cancer (1 out of every 8 American women will get breast cancer) - Cannabis compound stops spread of breast cancer: researchers (news - 2007) Cannabis compound stops spread of breast cancer: researchers - Health - CBC News Or lung cancer- Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows (news – 2007) Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows Or brain cancer- Marijuana Compound Induces Cell Death In Hard-To-Treat Brain Cancer (news – 2011) Marijuana Compound Induces Cell Death In Hard-To-Treat Brain Cancer Or MRSA- Chemicals in Marijuana May Fight MRSA (news - 2008) Marijuana Ingredients May Fight MRSA Or you should show them what CBD does for diabetes! (FYI - CBD does NOT get you high- it is purely medicinal, but still banned by prohibition.) Non-Psychoactive Cannabinoid Reduces Incidence Of Diabetes, Study Says (news - 2006) Non-Psychoactive Cannabinoid Reduces Incidence Of Diabetes, Study Says Marijuana Compound May Help Stop Diabetic Retinopathy (news - 2006) [FONT="]Marijuana Compound May Help Stop Diabetic Retinopathy[/FONT] Cannabinoids inhibit and may prevent neuropathic pain in diabetes. (news - 2010) MediGardens: March 2010: Cannabinoids inhibit and may prevent neuropathic pain in diabetes. (University of Calgary; Alberta, Canada) Lab Notes: Pot Has Benefits for Diabetic Hearts (news - 2010) Lab Notes: Pot Has Benefits for Diabetic Hearts Most folks will not accept cannabis until they see how it can help them! Print up a mess of articles and hand them out! Once the medical facts about cannabis become known, the need for legalization becomes obvious! You might want to leave copies of articles in laundromats and student lounges. You need to comment in the local online news. People read the comments as well as the stories. Tell them what cannabis can do, and back yourself up with medical studies. When you get around to a petition, print up a copy of my List and put it by the petition. Cover the table with taped down articles like those above. Best of luck to you! Granny
Trust me guys, ive been following Marc since 2005, i know just about all the pros to cannabis, and all the cons, the cons being non existent how close are you to Anderson County? (please no exact locations lol) may be next weekend before i have enough local support to organize it though, and i got plenty of legalize regulate educate stickers for local businesses
I think you need to re-read the pros and cons. The cons are, brain cell loss, increased chance of cancer, decrease in motivation, getting high a eating a puppies nose and death.
My Fellow Bible Belters, it is TIME TO GET OFF OUR ASSES AND FUCK SHIT UP...peacefully and legally xD coulda sworn it was shown to promote new cell growth in the brain, decrese risk of cancer, and increase motivation. (at least it gices me a greater attentin span and makes petty things enjoyable to do wether or not you enjoy it when you not high lol not to mention the benificial effects on my epilipsy and ADHD lol taking a seed sowing trip to a local tennessee state park tomorry as well...the exact park will remain undisclosed in the words of my elightener, OVERGROW THE GOD DAMN GOVERNMENT
green toker WHERE are you getting your info- the DEA? DARE? Cannabinoids promote the growth of brain cells! [FONT="]Cannabinoids promote hippocampus neurogenesis and produce anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects (full - 2005) [/FONT][FONT="]JCI - Cannabinoids promote embryonic and adult hippocampus neurogenesis and produce anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects[/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] High-dose cannabis stimulates growth of brain cells in rats (news – 2005) High-dose cannabis stimulates growth of brain cells in rats - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent Good News For The Medical Marijuana Movement: Pot Proliferates Brain Cells And Boosts Mood (news - 2005) Good News For The Medical Marijuana Movement: Pot Proliferates Brain Cells And Boosts Mood There is a DECREASED chance of lung cancer! Marijuana Use and the Risk of Lung and Upper Aerodigestive Tract Cancers: Results of a Population-Based Case-Control Study (full - 2006) http://cebp.aacrjournals.org/content/15/10/1829.full {Delta}-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits growth and metastasis of lung cancer. (abst - 2007) http://www.aacrmeetingabstracts.org...searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=1760&resourcetype=HWCIT Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows (news – 2007) Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows Marijuana Use and Lung Cancer: Results of a Case-Control Study (abst - 2006) Marijuana Use and Lung Cancer: Results of a Case-Control Study Study Finds No Link Between Marijuana Use And Lung Cancer (news - 2006) Study Finds No Link Between Marijuana Use And Lung Cancer Cannabis decreases motivation? Nope! Operant acquisition of marihuana in man. (abst - 1976) Operant acquisition of marihuana in man. Debunking the Amotivational Syndrome (news - 1995) Marijuana Research: Debunking the Amotivational Syndrome (It is actually becoming hard to find studies on "Amotivational Syndrome" and cannabis! It has been debunked MANY times over!) And if that is a reference to the "face-eating man" - yes he did test positive for cannabis. However the levels of metabolites indicated that his use was several days before and he was NOT high on pot at the time of the attack. His own mental illness did that to him. And before you bring up that bunch of BS about cannabis being bad for schizophrenics, perhaps you should also read this! (FYI- Cannabidiol is the #2 chemical in cannabis.) Cannabidiol enhances anandamide signaling and alleviates psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia. (abst – 2012) Cannabidiol enhances anandamide signaling ... [Transl Psychiatry. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI Study: Marijuana Linked to Lower Mortality Rate for Patients with Psychotic Disorders (news – 2012) Study: Marijuana Linked to Lower Mortality Rate for Patients with Psychotic Disorders | Alternet Synthetic delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (dronabinol) can improve the symptoms of schizophrenia. (abst - 2009) Unbound MEDLINE | Synthetic delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (dronabinol) can improve the symptoms of schizophrenia. PubMed Journal article abstract [FONT="]Increased gray matter density in patients with schizophrenia and cannabis use: A voxel-based morphometric study using DARTEL. (abst – 2012) [/FONT][FONT="]ScienceDirect.com - Schizophrenia Research - Increased gray matter density in patients with schizophrenia and cannabis use: A voxel-based morphometric study using DARTEL [/FONT] [FONT="]Marijuana Use Associated With 'Superior' Cognitive Performance In Schizophrenic Patients, Study Says (news – 2011) [/FONT][FONT="]Marijuana Use Associated With 'Superior' Cognitive Performance In Schizophrenic Patients, Study Says[/FONT] Debunking the Myth of a Link Between Marijuana and Mental Illness (news – 2011) Debunking the Myth of a Link Between Marijuana and Mental Illness | Alternet You REALLY need to get a copy of my List (see the bottom of my sig) and learn the medical facts about cannabis! EDUCATE YOURSELF! Granny
yes, there is a decrese in lung cancer chances, but not enough to warrant a conclusion like that....it just proves you aint gonna GET lung cancer from it unforunately i AM battleing an addiction with nicotine, which WILL kill me if i cant kick it, and let ME tell you, it is fucking AWEFULL to quit smoking ciggs, yet every now and then i CHOOSE to take a break just so i can get higher next time, never had a HINT of any withdrawl like i experience with nicotine and even fucking SODA, when i quit drinking soda, i got shitty headaches in the evenings, but it went away and i lost 30 pounds lol, when i quit smoking the green i lose maybe 3-4 pounds lol
A compound that stops the growth and spread of lung cancer seems highly unlikely to cause lung cancer! Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits epithelial growth factor-induced lung cancer cell migration in vitro as well as its growth and metastasis in vivo. (abst – 2008) Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits epithelial gro... [Oncogene. 2008] - PubMed - NCBI And the pot smokers in Tashkin's study experienced slightly LOWER cancer rates than NON-SMOKERS! Incidentally, Dr Tashkin used to be strongly in favor of prohibition. After his surprising results, he now supports legalization! Top Anti-Drug Researcher Changes His Mind, Says Legalize Marijuana Top Anti-Drug Researcher Changes His Mind, Says Legalize Marijuana | Cannabis Culture He saw enough evidence to change his mind and he is a top expert in his field! He doesn't like smoking, since smoking anything is bad for the lungs, but he does not believe cannabis will cause lung cancer! Here, listen to him yourself! Dr. Donald Tashkin Marijuana Lung Cancer Study Dr. Donald Tashkin Marijuana Lung Cancer Study Granny
Op, I used to work near there at the uhaul rental place next to campers corner there on Clinton Hwy. So I know what you are dealing with. I lived in JeffersonCity for a while before I moved back to Ga, (A long story as to why And I don't feel like going into it.) Clinton cops and Knoxville cops are some of the MOST corrupt around. And there are many others. Kingston is another bad place to deal with the cops. But if you want to challenge the bible thumpers from that area I have a few links that may help you in that fight. Here they are: God wants you to have unhindered access to marijuana The Bible and Marijuana? Marijuana and the Bible I hope these will aid you in you battle in that area. A very large event is on the horizon in all aspects not just for us in the Cannabis movement but in all of our freedoms. WE MUST be diligent in our fight always.
Don't forget this one! Jesus Healed Using Cannabis (news - 2003) Entheology.org - Preserving Ancient Knowledge And some further research- Making HAO~Holy Annointing Oil~From Healing Hemp Oil~for Pain & Healing (forum thread - 2009) http://www.greenpassion.org/f91/making-hao-holy-annointing-oil-healing-hemp-oil-pain-healing-17503/ Granny
I have a theory about marijuana laws in the south and I too think that the old confederate southern states will be the last hanger-ons to reefer madness. Colorado,Oregon,Washington state all have recreational use bills that the residents there will be voting on this fall. Colorado's 64 Bill looks the strongest of all 3 at passing as well as being the most lenient , Washington state's I-502 bill doesn't even allow for personal use cultivation unless you are MMJ-OK'ed. That's just 3 states, but still, even with one of them passing, it's a win for the whole nation because the chance of the FEDs ever changing their stance is next-to-none.Marijuana legalization is going to happen eventually but only on the state level.As soon as one state passes Marijuana legalization for recreational use, then other state's politicians are going to watch that state like a hawk waiting for the FEDs to roll into that state and lock everything down, and when that doesn't happen because the FEDs lack the manpower and resources, then you will see legalization bills being brought forward and fought for very hard and very quickly in states all over. MMJ legalization is viewed completely different than recreational legalization. There is no state YET that has passed a bill for recreational legalization, but that's very soon to changing. The down side is most likely just as another poster said that the southern states like Tennessee will be the very last in line to pass legalization. The way it will probably happen is, as most other states start passing recreational use legalization bills, the southern states such as Tenn.,GA , N.& S. Carolina, Alabama,ect. will probably only then just start passing MMJ bills and they'll likely be very strict and selective. Being a Georgia native for 33 yrs, I too know how those old timer bible belt super old fashioned good ol boy networks of politicians,officials, and law enforcement think. They will fight to hold on to the reefer madness ways and laws until so much pressure is put on them that they finally change the laws. Also, when recreational use bills start passing after the western states get it going, prices are going to decrease and production will massively INCREASE. There's going to be so much inexpensive grade A+ herb traveling from the western states going eastward and southward to supply the black market there and this too will also be noticed by southern law enforcement and southern politicians. They'll begin to see that their days of holding onto archaic laws are very numbered. Legalization is coming soon. There are too many people that use it ,too many people that want it, and too many people fighting for it now for it to be kept illegal indefinitely. One of the 3 states pushing for recreational legalization this fall is going to be successful, and if all 3 pass at the same time, it's going to spread legalization bills even that much faster. Recreational legalization will spread 10 times much faster than MMJ legalization, but recreational legalization will most likely be the catalyst that brings the southern states into passing MMJ legalization. Things are about to change, and when the change starts happening, the FEDs are just going to make threats they can't back up. One state passing recreational legalization will start a sweeping domino effect that cannot be stopped. Watch things start rapidly changing after this year is over. This is something to get excited about and to keep a positive mind !
I just hope they legalize any state in the south. I live in Mississippi and even though Ole Miss grows A LOT of weed, its still illegal?