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Brick Weed and Lettuce?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Green_Bud, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. I've been smoking a long time but recently ran across some pretty dried up weed, brick weed (I'm now in Texas.. lol). It's very hard and compressed. Someone told me to put a piece of lettuce in with the weed and then store it in the refrigerator to moisten it back up. I've also heard about using steam to open the dried weed up a little but don't know if the steam will hurt the THC quantity...

    Is there a good way to moisten really dry weed? Will it hurt the quality of the weed?

    Thanks a bunch folks!
  2. i guess u could use lettuce...ive used an orange peel/apple peel/grape etc...just dont use too much or leave it in for too long
  3. Yeah, put an orange peel in with it for a few hours.
  4. I put a piece of bread in the other day, and took it out hmm 12 hours later I'm guessing... It worked perfectly.
  5. Hey,

    I never ever did this. Does the flavor from the fruit go into the bud? Or is just for moisturizing purposes.

    My bud comes pretty fuckin well cured, so I wouldnt be trying it to moisturize it, but I am willing to try it if I can give it some cool fruity taste or scent.

    I personally would want to try an apple chunk, having it not touch the bud. Apple flavored bud sounds yummy (the red kind)
  6. i think it's just for re-moisturization
  7. Use lettuce. Orange peel will leave a small taste/smell. If you have some fresh MJ leaf, that works best otherwise use lettuce.

    I have broken open hundreds of those bricks but havent seen a brick in decades. Every once in awhile I might see a bag of weed with a small amount of compressed weed in it, indicating that it came from a brick. We used to just break them open by pulling them apart. We would add the moisture to it after it was broken up.

    I used to know a guy that added some water to a dry brick, not to moisten it for quality but to add weight before selling it. Although this wasn't a very fair thing to do, the water never did hurt the weed.
  8. Damn =( I really wanted to smoke some red delicious apple flavored buds.
  9. I had a oz of some pretty dry bud a while back, what I did was get it in a big zipblock baggy and put a little bit of water in it.. leave it overnight and it should be fresher.. iv never tried the orange peel thing but w/e works.
  10. That's why you get a scale you can calibrate:D
  11. ORANGE PEELES only way to go. flavor does not go into bud, but the weed will wreak of oranges
  12. lettuce will not give flavor or smell to the bud, leaving the buds original smell taste flavor etc, atleast thats what I thought..

    edit: already been said..

    it is also easy to go overboard with oranges, could go to far n get moldy.
    -lettuce dries alot quicker and probably wont get your weed soakin to the point it grows mold
  13. If your the one smoking and not hooking anyone up, then why moist the bud. I hate buying wet weed, or making it wet for i can't smoke it lol~peace
  14. I like dry chronic nugs, i dunno about schwag tho..
  15. ohhhh yes. Thats yummy.

    Check this, this is what I used to do to "manicure" the brick I was movin:

    Get a strainer and a pot of boiling water, get the water boiling, then put your brick weed in the strainer. The moisture from the boiling water lets the buds come apart and fluff out a bit. On top of that, it adds a little bit of weight to it. :)

    Bring on the neg rep. :D

    EDIT: 700th post bitches

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