Breakthrough promises $1.50 per gallon synthetic gasoline with no carbon emissions

Discussion in 'General' started by bob barker, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. i hope this is real!

    Breakthrough promises $1.50 per gallon synthetic gasoline with no carbon emissions


    UK-based Cella Energy has developed a synthetic fuel that could lead to US$1.50 per gallon gasoline. Apart from promising a future transportation fuel with a stable price regardless of oil prices, the fuel is hydrogen based and produces no carbon emissions when burned. The technology is based on complex hydrides, and has been developed over a four year top secret program at the prestigious Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford. Early indications are that the fuel can be used in existing internal combustion engined vehicles without engine modification.
    According to Stephen Voller CEO at Cella Energy, the technology was developed using advanced materials science, taking high energy materials and encapsulating them using a nanostructuring technique called coaxial electrospraying.
    “We have developed new micro-beads that can be used in an existing gasoline or petrol vehicle to replace oil-based fuels,” said Voller. “Early indications are that the micro-beads can be used in existing vehicles without engine modification.”
    “The materials are hydrogen-based, and so when used produce no carbon emissions at the point of use, in a similar way to electric vehicles”, said Voller.
    The technology has been developed over a four-year top secret programme at the prestigious Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford, UK.
    The development team is led by Professor Stephen Bennington in collaboration with scientists from University College London and Oxford University.
    Professor Bennington, Chief Scientific Officer at Cella Energy said, “our technology is based on materials called complex hydrides that contain hydrogen. When encapsulated using our unique patented process, they are safer to handle than regular gasoline.”
  2. it seems like the intelligence agencies of this country have a way of making things like this disappear. just a little murder of the CEO to preserve united states interests

    the u.s. is far to indebted to the oil companies for this to mean anything. just think what something like this would mean for our world. then think about if the governments of this world want anything to do with it
  3. If this is true then that's unbelievably awesome. If this is true, I doubt it will be released anytime soon, if ever. Such a breakthrough would be bad for many powerful people's wallets.
  4. That guy in the picture is probably dead already.
  5. Just build a HYDROGEN generator.
  6. The guy in the picture,the guy who took the picture,the guy who
    wrote the article,the guy who posted this thread...

    Dead by noon tomorrow.
  7. To good to be true

  8. qft. It would put a lot of rich people out of business.
  9. Just added to the list of things we can use for power until we REALLY need it. They wont ever do alternate fuel until the 11th hour.
  10. I think that our government should make this a major priority.

    The invention has the capability of eliminating dependence on Middle East oil, therefore eliminating terrorist threats.

    What the fuck are they going to do once their product is obsolete, lol?
  11. Highly, highly doubt it's going to go through. No government in the world, especially the United States, want anything like this hitting the markets.
  12. Synthetic Gasoline For $1.50/Gallon and No Emissions : Discovery News

    Its real, and you guys are crazy/paranoid
    it is going through, and its not the first product that cost huge amounts of money to big business, ever heard of Apple? Google? The Internet (which ended the power of the media forever, if the government was so intrusive, wouldnt they stop the internet from happening??)

    Come back to this post and rep me when it does
  13. #13 bob barker, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2011
    yet this isnt the first time something like this has been created to replace gasoline and ended.


    Stanley Meyer died suddenly on March 21, 1998 after dining at a restaurant. An autopsy report by the Franklin County, Ohio coroner concluded that Meyer had died of a cerebral aneurysm, but conspiracy theorists insist that he was poisoned to suppress the technology, and that oil companies and the United States government were involved in his death.[1][2][15] Meyer's patents are still available online,[16] although there has as yet been no independent verification of his claims.
  14. There should be a way to make sure that this hits the market, big time.

    Put the oil sheiks and the terrorists out of business once and for all. Goodbye Iraq, UAR, Iran, Egypt, and the rest of them.

  15. Lolwut?

    Middle East =/= Oil Producer =/= terrorist
  16. we should all be riding around in cars with a cheaper source of fuel right now, we have the technology. unfortunately special interests is all that matters today
  17. I think being cynical is a little pointless, the company have been established for 3/4 years already - plenty of time to 'bump' off the CEO or any of the other 1,200 people who work there.

    As has been said before, there are many other inventions that have been allowed to reach the mass market consumer.

    Regarding other types of vehicules with renuable power sources ie the water car, they have never been overly succesful in utilising the present infrastructures that motorists have come to know and expect. If this technology can be used at any processing plant for gasoline, and is suitable to be used in all past and present internal combustion engines, then it can used by anything.

    As well as this, the companies website they say "to add Cella Energy's hydrogen storage materials to existing fuels" thereby keeping the powers that be ie oil sheiks, happy

    I hope this project reaches us consumers, I really do.
  18. What I dont understand is this...If the big oil tycoons dont want this type of technology on the market because of financial reasons. Why not just use some of their sizable assets to invest in alternative fuels and then corner the market. I mean they would continue to make big money and help protect the globe. I mean surely even an oil tycoon can see the damage being wrought onto this planet, surely he does not want his children to live in a run down, degraded and polluted globe.
  19. Unfortunitely, the oil companies will make sure this never happens :(

  20. the past 3 or 4 years were just a work in progress. theres no need to eliminate threats to our foreign interest if there is no actual threat just yet

    i feel like being cynical is the only way to approach some thing like this because you can just tell with all the stuff going on currently that the governments of the world do not care about what they are doing to this earth or the inhabitants

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