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Breaking up my herb early?/close call with the cops

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by StickyIkyMarley, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Ok so today I was over at my dealers house hanging in front while he is in the back getting it and we notice some cops drive past us (Stoner radar lol, my towns police force was shut down friday so its only county/state now) and they come back, park behind a tree and are just looking over, a few minutes later they drive off and go down the road I am about to go down.

    My buddy comes out and hands me a lot more then the 5$ bag I bought (about 4 nugs somewhat bigger then a quarter piece) and he didn't have a bag so I am holding them in my hand which is in my hoodie walking down the street and of course there are two cops waiting right around the corner, right away I throw my bud into the hood of what I was wearing and start walking over, they get out of car and start asking me where I was going/doing and I wasn't there for an arguement so I told them I was chilling with my uncle (my dealer is 50 something its beliveable)

    They ask me to empty out my pockets, of course I refuse out of principle and they go on about the easy way/hard way and about bringing the dogs out ext ext. I decided to call them out and reminded them about are police force shutting down (I didn't think they wanted to wait around forever for a drug dog from another city) so they eventually let me go without searching me/calling the dog and I skip home amazed with the amount of luck I have :hello:

    Anyways so some of the bud has some stem on it and I was wondering if I broke it up with some scissors would it be worth it?
  2. I would still write their commander. Why were they harassing you? Tough guys. Maybe they have their commander in their pockets oooor maybe their commander cant stand them.

    Oh and,"why wouldnt it be good?"
  3. Lol writing the chief wouldn't do anything.. Anyways I love dealing with the police.. Unless I end up arrested lol
  4. Take one of those small scissors that you cut your nails with and chop the nugs without hitting any branches/hard parts.
  5. :eek:
  6. Lol don't act like that, I pretty much dedicated my youth to fucking with the police when it came to bud, Watching the cops walk away + Keeping my bud is one of the greatest things around
  7. Great fuckin' story man! You deal with the cops just like me, let them know you're not a dumbass, know your rights, and they usually don't want to bother with you too much.

  8. Thanks for the rep man, and usually around here it pisses them off when you know your rights...
  9. You made a pickup after you *watched* two cops stake out your dealer? Were you high at the time? What part of that struck you as a good idea? They could have busted you, then used that for a warrant to bust your dealer.

    I'm guessing they let you go as an act of vengeance against their former employers ("Not our problem anymore"), but make no mistake--you got super-lucky. Don't pull stunts like that in the future.
  10. #10 Zmerc, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010
    yeah police in my old town were complete dicks, if they ever saw my car they would turn around follow. I think they pulled me over some 30 times for a "break light out" and 5 or so times for "Reverse light out" favorite was I didn't use my turn signal exactly 500 feet away from the turn. Remember once I made a toilet bowl tin fowl bomb in back yard and they arrested me for being a "terrorist". They even tried getting a warrant to search my computer to see if i've been to any terrorist websites. Cause this "bomb is too high tech for just to learn from anywhere else" (Tinfoil+toilet bowl cleaner = hightech) Once the FBI got there they laughed and released me. Also couldn't press any other charges cause they never read me my rights and interrogated me without a parent (was 15 at the time). Thats the joy of living in a small town with corrupt cops.

    Anyways gratz op for not getting busted
  11. this

  12. fuck man the fbi came to your house for a tin foil bomb?
  13. yeah, basically the same thing happened to me
    me and my buddy thought it would be funny do to this to my friends house at night and play a joke and they had the whole fbi out there and the bomb squads, and once they knew it was me they charged me with a terroristic act.

  14. lol thats ridiculous. fuck the police

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