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Break Time?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 420 Toker, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. i think its time i took a week or so break, not a tolerance break cause my tolerance is fine it's just the potency of the Dank in at the moment im struggling too keep up with the world no joke!...

    Im smoking an 1/8 a day comfortably and obviously it's costing me alot of money but its the fact that nearly every high seems too be different like i can be really monged or really happy and productive but yesterday was the most wack...
    I ripped a bong and had about 4 joints pretty much one after another and for some reason i felt like doing nothing but partying i felt so energized and pumped everything was beautiful and graceful and wanted too dance and love everyone i know your thinking what a novice but im not i have a reasonable tolerance and toke everyday does anyone reccomend on what i should do or what happened last night. :rolleyes:
  2. happened to me, i started smoking alot alot and i lost all ambition to suceed in life, i just wanted to party party party. I ended up taking a few months break and now im doing great:cool:
  3. :D thank god im not the only one but im suceeding in life im doing everything right its just last night was strange as heck.. i did take MDMA recently wondering if its caught a delayed reaction?
  4. yeah, i suceeded in life, but i didnt really care if i didnt or not at the time.
    And yeah MDMA could have an effect too, when i used to take it it severly messed up my head for a while.
  5. Yeah true man i felt the same way about it like all i cared about was love was fun but wack... Cheers dude been a re-assurance :D.
  6. Glad i could be of some help :wave:

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