Brand New Toy! Illadelphh

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by ellz2thehead, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. #1 ellz2thehead, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    I decided after 3 years of owning a small Zob beaker with diffuser and 4 arm tree perc (will post pictures later) that it was time to add something to my glass family. I have always loved illadelphs, and I wanted a different type of piece than my Zob. I still have the Zob and I love it, but this Illadelph is a big step up.

    The Illadelph is a Black and Platinum Label, with the matching Black Diffuser.
    Also I dont think that is the stock slide piece but its awesome, Im using a glass screen that I got for free and the pack is a nice size and lets be real it looks fucking cool. :cool:

    There has been alot of Snow in the Northeast, so i put some fresh powder snow in the bong, and it was a really clean cold hit. Def Awesome Idea:bongin:

    Also 2 of my boys just upgraded pieces for their birthday each one got a dankk bubbler. One was a headford inline perc, and the other was a no name diffused bubbler. No Pic at the moment but I will take collection pictures with everything the next time they come over.

    Enjoy fellow Blades

    Last picture removed. Link to comp. site -DR

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  2. wow that is really cool, first black & white piece that I have seen from Illy and first b&w themed piece I like!

    sick pickup, I also like the headford inline, I was about to grab one of those, I even saw a similar bubbler with black and white work from Ben Wilson
  3. I like the bowl piece cool decals additionally.
  4. That's a great lookin Ill man, nice pickup.
  5. is that snow inside of it?:p
  6. Very nice tube man, ive got a thing for strait tubes..

    Loving the slide, simple, but sick.

  7. Looks good man nice tube!
  8. That slide looks so pretty with the tube:eek:! Awesome:D!
  9. Sick peice man!!

    Never smoked with snow inside a bong b4, altho have smoked out of a snowball, haha...
  10. I like your bowl.
    its pretttttty
  11. Nice match, you should rock a showerhead downstem
  12. nice tube man. good use of snow to break it in as well
  13. That is prolly the best illadelph i've ever seen.. never been a fan of their work but your bong is an exception.. Its a beauty take good care of it!
  14. agreed that is one sexy illy nice pick up!:smoke:
  15. I'm a guy im planning on getting nice illadelph soon a pink tube with a blue label and inline bubbler ...would that make me look gay and would the bubbler act as an ash catcher? and do you think $200 is reasonable for that ?

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