Hi everyone; This is my first time attempting to grow anything. I made an investment for a discrete hydrponics system that has a cloning chamber. The purpose of this thread is to reach out and introduce myself to the group's participants and mentors. I am looking forward to increasing my knowledge base and skills. I will be asking a ton of questions since from reading many posts there are some avid growers giving good advice.
I am new to this site and would like to ask some questions of experienced growers. Should I ask questions on a different thread? I don't want to interupt a thread with a question about the strain northern lights. I have questions concerning Carbs when to add them, along with other nutrient questions like does the strain northern lights prefer higher PPMs when's the best time to harvest the strain etc... I am using a hydroponics unit with grow plugs and hydrocoral setup. I am in the 16 on 8 off phase and my plants seem to look healthy. I spray them with spray and grow twice a week during the 8 off period and generally the cool temp. I have the ppm level between 700 and 1000 PPMs using floranova grow and floralicious plus. I am waiting a week to swtich to 12 and 12. Oooh I am using Sea of green method and I have about six plant averaging between 12" and 16" range. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Newbie 36