Brand NEW need help pleasee...

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by aw69, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. Hey guys I'm brand new at this and need some help. Me and my friend recently had a rastafarian come and visit and he gave us the great idea of growing. So we ordered 2 hooks to hold the lights, 2 90w led lites (red,blue and orange), and miracle gro soil and pots. We also ordered some canadian seeds online and started growing. The first 3 plants are a breed called cheeseberry haze. One is about 6 weeks old and about 3/4 ft high id say. And recently we've noticed that the bottom big leaves with 5 parts now are droopin and turning yellow. Is this natural and can anyone tell me the whole process of growing (seeds-to smoking) I don't get the flowering. And I've only been waterin no adding nitrogen etc. Please help I'm clueless
  2. Some possibilities-
    -How close are the lights from the plant and whats the light cycle?
    -Temps? Can be sorted by using a fan
    -Room ventilation? Can be sorted by using a fan and an open door
    -PH levels?

    Could be a nitrogen deficiency ( Can anyone second that? )

    Pretty much the time cycle depends on the strain and the grower.
    I'm a first time grower and I'm flowering my plant at 4 weeks since I need my plant to be done quite soon.

    Read that some people leave it for quite a while and I've also read that some people start flowering once the plant reaches 12" but I guess thats all personal preference.

    Time Frame-
    Saying 4 - 8 weeks in vegetative state= plant simply lives and grows
    Then the flowering stage again depends on the grower but also on the strain so I suggest looking on the website to see what the estimated flowering time is.
    Can be from 40 days to up to whatever the grower feels necessary for maximum yield.
    Flowering is where the plant is generally put into a 12/12 light cycle where during this time period it starts it production of THC.

    Being a first time grower and reading all this I'm just relaying it so if anyone experienced posts here just correct any points you see wrong.

    Also veg. state plant has a light cycle from 24/0 to 18/6 I reckon.
  3. Ya the temp is around 70 we have a fan in there. I don't know anything about ph levels or nitrogen or feed as I told u all I know is to put em in soil and let em grow. The ventilation is bad its just a closet locked with a fan in there. The lights are 2-3 inches from the plants. And anyone know any good timers I bought a titan control apollo 8 and can't figure out how to work it.
  4. Maybe open up the closet for some fresh air and air circulation since you seem to just be recycling the same air in the closet which isn't to great.

    Google about PH levels since its to complicated to explain.

    Pictures would help but maybe pulling back the lights to 4 - 6 inches and then watering the plants less.

    Also when you use tap water let it sit in an open container for 24 hours so that the chlorine levels drop.
  5. I attached a picture of the leaf. Its weird. All of the other leaves are a nice dark green and nice but the two bottom ones are a light green and yellow and brown at the tips and are shriveling up. Can anyone help?:confused:

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  6. Ok so I read p on ph levels and nitrogen deficiences but still wats a good fertilizer with nitrogen and wat level do I need? How do I use it and how much do I put in. And I'm gettin a ph level tester any good ones and where should the ph level be for a good plant?
  7. Theyre right, pH is the most important part of the usual checkups for your plant. In soil your looking for anywhere from 6.3-6.8 . and as for the nutes, have you checked the pH yet? because if it is nitrogen def that could be it. I know its costly but a digital pH meter will be your best friend throughout your grow. If you settle for somthing that isnt digital, you wont be exact for the reading. MG is full of enough nutes to prevent that. If not, a good fert would just be some DESERT bat guano, it has nitrogen along with some phosphorous for your roots. For 5 gallon tanks id say about 3 heaping table spoons, just pour it onto the soil surface and work it about an inch in, then water lightly. And id look into this, but ive heard led's actually need to be kept fairly far away so the spectrums have time or smthing have time to mix? not 100% on that but sounds like smthing to look into if your using led. Next time around id highly recommend staying away from the MG. Just let us know if you need anymore advice, always happy to help.
  8. Alrite im ordering a digital ph tester. but how do you raise or lower the ph level and how do you raise or lower the nitrogen level because my plants look like the bottom leaves are dieing but the rest of them look nice am i still going to be able to flower the plant and get nice buds?
  9. Can anyone help me my second plant is doing the same thing I'm ordering the ph tester and will get back to you guys on the ph level, but wat fertilizer specificaly should I use? How much? And my plants that are turning yellow are 11 inches should I just flower them? Will they still flower and produce smoking herb? Please help
  10. go to any garden center/hydro shop, go to the fertilizers and find one that has a high nitrogen value: example 4-2-2 has twice the nitrogen of any other nutes; the N in N-P-K stands for nitrogen. Even at Lowes and Sears they both have some organic nutrients, although if you buy from them it might be overpriced compared to mixing your own, but if your not sure what your doing they work fine, i just saw some fish emulsion at Lowes yesterday, and it has a good source of nitrogen.
    If you want a full Nutrient Line (meaning start to finish, Veg/Bloom) I'd go with Earth Juice : You can buy it at most hydro/grow stores or you can do an Ebay search for it and you can find a 3 pack. That will help with trace elements aswell, it is a good/Easy line for beginner growers. If you look on ebay you can get it cheap, and shipped to your door. It will be probable $30-40 for all 3 but it will be all you really need, for fertilizer that is. For amounts to add it depends on what your using, for example if i remember right you use 1 TBSP with EJ grow, but i cant remember. But if you buy it just look at the label, or ask the person your buying from. Hope that helps

    Do a GC search for the Cannabis Grow Bible, you can find a copy of the whole damn thing on here, just with Black and White Pics
    or check out Utube and search for how to grow MJ for instructional How-To videos - good beginner videos
  11. AI just looked on ebay and there are 2 different kinds of earth juice there's a 32oz hydroponic fertilizer high in nitrogen but can u use that on soil plants? And there's also a dry rainbow mix but it says 1-9-2??
  12. #13 proteus patient, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2010
    Even though it says Hydroponics that doesn't matterr, its capable of being used in both, I've used them with great success in the past. You can either get a 3 pack which is what you'll need to get to harvest time, or all you really need now is grow/veg but you can save money getting all 3, here is a link
    Earth Juice Grow Bloom Catalyst 3 Quarts! Hydroponics - eBay (item 120629668837 end time Nov-02-10 21:07:56 PDT)
    or the link to a main page,

    Or do a search for Earth Juice and any of the Veg is good - just make sure its a good seller with Positive feedback.
    Or if you don't want to do mailorder find a local garden Center, buy some bat Guano and fish emulshion, both should have good Nitrogen. But the earth juice has all of that crap and it is more straitforward (EASY)
    Good luck
  13. Ok I ordered that earth juice and for the meantime am using a little of miracle gro shake and feed. But my biggest question is can I stil flower and harvest the plant like this? And how many grams will a 12 inch plant produce?
  14. you might just want to use water only untill you get the earth juice, Instead of going ahead and flowering now i'd give them the nutrients for at least 2-3 weeks of veg time. it will allow time for better root development and stronger plants= Bigger Yield.
    In terms of yield it really depends on the strain and lighting, i have no experience with LED Grow lights though. But if you allow more time for veg your yield will be larger. Post some pics so i can see, that way other people will chime in and you'll get more advice
  15. Ok I won't see the plant until tomorrow but will take pictures of it then. But I'm wondering my plant is called cheeseberry haze you can find it on it said yields 700grams but I have it on 24hr lite I'm just wondering what do you guys usually get out of your 12 inch plants? Just a estimate
  16. What do you mean 24 hr light? it won't produce anything if you leave it on 24hrs, you need to switch to 12/12 in order to force your girls into flowering. I'd let them veg under 18/6 for at least 1-2 weeks after you get your fertilizer, this will allow more time for better branching, and larger roots so your plants will produce more, if the seedbank says 700 Grams that most likely per M2 - So inless your plants are 3 ft wide and only a foot tall you won't pull anywhere near that much. off a plant that small you might get a half Oz dried - thats why you should let it have some more veg time

  17. No I have not even started flowering yet so far my plants have been on only 24hr light. Now they are 11 inches tall and I'm switching them to 18 on and 6 off like you guys said. This won't make it flower will it? And my lower leaves are getting yellow spots now too so I added miracle grow shake and feed while I wait for my earth juice. Good idea? And I'll check my ph levels.
  18. #19 proteus patient, Oct 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2010
    if you absolutley need something in the meantime, id give the miracle stuff at about 1/3/ what it advertises, Miracle grow has a long, bad history around here. You could just out 1 TBSP of lukewarm water and use that in the mean time. it will allow benefecial fungai to get a start on colonizong your root system great BIG^^^^ in yeild and root systemms
    What do the girls look like now, hope you transplanted up yet? or maybe even Fimed?TOPed yet?
    Switching to 18/6 lighting is the best fir VEg plants, It simulates the natural patterns of the sun. Think of it this way; you are trying to replicate the best/natural light cycles of MJ grown outdoors. By having your ligfhts on 24/7 you may even cause less root growth. While under lights 24 hr they are trying to stretch and get the best light, instead of having a time for the plant to sleep and vitally repair itself and provide time for the roots to go in search of better soil.

    Hook us all up with a pic if u got 1



    PS - Shoot me a PM and let me know what seedbank you used in CAN , i dont trust sending money to AMSTERDAM, thats like putting out a fuking welcome mat for CustomZ AgenSeize LoL:wave:
  19. I just got the ph level tester and tested my 2 plants that are having the yellowing problem and they both measured exactly 7 I was told that you want the range to be 6.3-6.8 so I don't think I'm in bad shape.. but how do you lower or raise the ph level and if my ph level is 7 do you think its a nitrogen deficiency or what? Ill post pictures in the next few days. Thanks guys!

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