Brain Teaser

Discussion in 'General' started by iLoveMyGrass, Jun 12, 2010.

  1. Which kills your wallet more?

    Your munchies OR Your weed

    It's such a brain teaser man! Both make you spend sooooooo much money.
  2. Munchies. I dont smoke weed often
  3. i smoke for free 99% of the time so definitely munchies

  4. Hell, I'd smoke ya up. :]

    Soo not a brain teaser, I barely go out to buy "munchies" so I know weed takes more out of my wallet. But if you meant "groceries" well, it'd probably be about the same. :]
  5. are we talking about just munchies or weed munchies...because if were talking about weed munchies then definitely the weed is more expensive because I can usually control my munchies.
  6. I was just talking about weed munchies. For me it's not as big of an issue but a lot of people i know can't control themselves at all haha.

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