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"Brain Spasm"

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PBR, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. The best way I can describe this occurrence is a brain spasm. Like, you just get to thinking so deeply and so quickly that your brain so goes BAM, almost feels as if your brain is pulsing. I talked to a few of my buddies and some never get them, some knew exactly what I was talking about. Do you ever get them? Is there another term for it?

    Also, I haven't had one for a while I think due to the tolerance I've been building, no matter how much dank bud I burn.
  2. yeah man just happens when i smoke alotttt of bud
    couple weeks ago me and a friend split an oz of some fire for the annual pig roast and by the time it had wound down and everyone was sitting around the bon fire i had that exact same thing going on haha it feels kinda like theres to much pressure on ur brain but in a pulsy none painfull kinda way if that makes sense?
  3. Never. Ive been partaking in this plant for maybe 3 years but ive never actually sat down and smoked a ton. Im too damn conservative.. One day though maybe i will experience this brain spasm and report back a year from now or somthing:eek:
  4. I know exactly what your saying.
  5. My biggest brain spasm was from a .3 joint of Sweet Island Skunk shared with me and another person. Is was the first perfect joint I ever rolled. It last like 5 seconds and was VERY intense. After it happened I was just like... what the fuck?
  6. It's the brain blast from Jimmy Neutron dude. Brainblaaaast.
  7. hahah i knew that kid was a stoner, he had too many good ideas!

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