In the last year or so i've noticed something about myself that is really beginning to affect me. It seems that whenever I'm trying to make conversation or be funny with friends the right words don't come to mind. Often i will be in the middle or talking with a friend and when i try to have a funny or witty response, the wrong words come out or i slur them, mispronouncing them. I've even felt that i simply cannot be as clever or humorous as i once used to be and that my mind has almost slowed. I still maintain a respectable intelligence in comparison to previous years, but i really feel like something in my head just isn't working properly and i'm slowly becoming less witty and less able to communicate in the fashion i'd like to. any help? I'm 18 and started smoking this summer, it might correlate with when i started smoking but that is unlikely. Also some things to mention of my health-- I have Ulcerative Colitis I take several medications daily, but nothing that has changed in the last 6 months and nothing that is too suspect of nuerological damage WHen i did start smoking... i often smoked with aluminum foil because i was dumb and had not researched simply ways to go about it more healthily. As i type now i feel as though my vocabulary is fine. but in situations where i need to think quick (in person communication) the words seem to slip away and im left with corny or awkward responses when im trying to be funny.
Nah i get the OP but i think you are thinking too much about it. I have some social anxiety issues, but i find when im in places that don't get anxious (around friends ect.) i'm just as witty and humorus as always. It might be the weed bringing out your anxiety
all ones language skills come from the temporal lobes... the issue could be purely psychological.... but what ever it is...that is the part of your brain being effected.....
solar plexus chakra meditation can really help you with that, check out the sticky in the philosophy and spirituality section.
Not autism, aphasia. More properly dysphasia but as the wiki explains the same term is coming to be used for both. Perhaps go see a doctor?
check out the side effects of your meds. I know at least 2 types of pills that have those exact effects
Im not calling you out but you guys can't just lable his problems like that. Your just going to scare him and make him think there's something wrong with him. It's like in Pyschology class when your reading about a disorder and your like "OMG i'm schizophrenic!" or something....your not.... Looking at wikipedia i show symptoms of a whole laundry list of disorders. We're all human we all malfunction from time to time. It could be from not eating or sleeping right or pot or stress or whatever... I can assure you OP your probably normal, dont stress over this. Maybe cut down on the pot and see how you feel.
Also, medications can have side effects down the road. I was on a medication for a couple of years before it started raising my glucose and I became pre-diabetic. I got off that med right away and was fine. Check with your doctor.
When I read the OP, it described exactly what I'm like sometimes too. It's weird... it just comes and goes kind of. I think it's been worse since I started using cannabis. And it seems like it might be this.
noo dude i know what you are talking about. i always swore the same thing happend to me when i smoked. i'd be in a haze for weeks at a time. then all the sudden it just stuck i guess. its nothing major. just in the back of my mind it feels like something is definitely different then before.. OP look up derealization and get back to me.
read this and all the comments. you aren't alone brotha. Anxiety and Stress Forum - Feeling Disconnected, Eyes Glazed, Hazy
Thanks everyone for the caring responses! I didn't think to look up anxiety sections or threads. well im on nexium, prednisone, sulfasalazine, fish oil, and remicade. I have ulcerative colitis and the herb has been incredible in staying in a remission. WIthout the herb almost within days i notice side effects again. I doubt any of those will cause issues to this extent but if they are, i am very confident if i continue to smoke at the rate i do i'll be fully in remission in say a year or two. My goal is to get off these medications as soon as possible! i'll give their side effects a look later when im home. was it prednisone? i've heard of the same thing happening to others very funny I'll give this a look see. My mom has had a bit of depression and other social disorders in the last 10 years and i live with her due to custody. I feel like when i lived with my dad almost full time 2 years ago, none of this was happening and i was much more respected and got a lot more girls. i feel like living with her and becomming used to her personality has changed mine a bit will do, and ill post back in here ok i will, i definitely feel disconnected, like im always looking at people together having a fun conversation and i feel so alone because i dont have the ability to be as confident, funny and outgoing. I also debate things a lot now and feel like i've become more negative. A girl said to me yesterday, when i asked what changed since 8th grade, and she said i've become so serious throughout high school and im not as funny. im 18 btw if i didnt mention
Sounds like some brain fog, usually a side effect of meds. Try taking some ginkgo? How do you feel when you are high?
and to this, i don't feel this way. I've been hanging out with my closest friend since 8th grade, every weekend still and although he hasnt said anything i can tell i've changed slightly. Same with any of my other friends. Its unbelieveable how it changes my confidence. I always feel like some skinny little kid amongst older individuals or that some of my closest friends just odnt respect me at all as they once did. I feel annoying, like i talk too much, and when i tyr to keep it quite, i always want to try and comment on things to be funny but i know it will make me look like a fool... I still can maintain normal conversation to an extent, and i make people laugh all the time, but its not nearly as much as i used to and when i text or talk to someone its always so serious because i find it hard to be funny and joke around or tease with people anymore. I'm really considering trying to go to a phsycologist but im afraid i'll have to admit my cannabis use of which my parents are unaware. and i want to keep it that way. plus this all began ealrier than when i started to smoke now that i think about it. because i started lifting for this reason and that was a year ago
im glad you asked. I have a very different high from most people and i thought this might be more evidential of my problem. When im a little high, i speak BETTER i feel more confident and the conversation flows easier... when im pretty high, music and the way my mind processes infromation changes. music is incredible and my mind races through so much information and ideas. ONe day i literally wrote down everything i thought about when i was high and they were really good ideas or sensory observations such as how much i could differentiate between temperature or smell things or feel things. when im really really high evrything becomes crazy, i feel very shakey and sometimes my body will twitch constantly. I've tried filming it but my body twictches so fast you dont notice it on a decent webcam. I cant just relax like many people do, im constantly thinking about music or analyzing my enviroment when im high. Just last night i sat in my bathroom for 4 hours listening to music and just moving with it but not dancing. Its almost scary but it goes away and i sober up more with friends if that makes any sense.
I'm the same way. I have no trouble finding the right words when I'm typing, but I stumble and ramble when I have to talk in person. If it really concerns you, speak with a doctor.