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Brain expanding?/attacking you?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Nash92, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Me and my buddy blazed a couple of joints during lunch in his car, so needless to say I was pretty gone. About three hours later, school lets out. I'm still high from lunch but I still have trees from then so of course, we blaze it. I'm feelin real good so this same friend and I, cop another $10 worth of dank.

    Soon after blazing a few spliffs (I don't usually smoke spiffs because I'm against tobacco, but after blazing a lot I will let it slide at times) it begins to feel as if something were eating at my brain, or throwing my thoughts into the sides of my head. It really began fucking with my high because it hurt, my brain was splitting in half.

    After eating and freestyling for an hour, the feeling began to fade. It went away completely a few hours after that.

    Has this happend to anyone?
  2. The splitting of the brain?

    Sorta like this?

    In two directions?

    I had that, but it felt trippy and nice. Was some good Durban Poison. Shit will do that to you.
  3. Might have been the nicotine in the tobacco that messed with your head. Nicotine has different effects on people....tobacco always makes me sleepy real quick, so I avoid it when i'm smokin the bud.
  4. actually, i know what you mean. like it just kind of feels like your brain is pulling apart. Had some thing similar happen to me the day after christmas. I wouldnt say its anything more than a psych type thing. cuz im fine lol.
  5. yeah i get this from smoking cigarettes and spliffs. it's an uncomfortable feeling, but it's not going to hurt you permanently.
  6. My bet's the tobacco. I get unpleasantly lightheaded if I smoke too much tobacco, and when I'm stoned it gets even worse.
  7. Thanks, its good to know I'm not alone on this. I had a feeling it was the tabacco, but I was also pretty fucked up and figured I was just too high haha.

  8. It makes me have to shit bad.
  9. lol :D
  10. lol i know but it is true. Like ill be in the middle of a cig and then ill be like o wow i need to shit pretty bad then by the end of the cig in like holding my ass trying to finish the cig so i can go shit hahaha but i dont smoke cigs at all anymore so im good with that.
  11. haha not quite, but i gotta say freestyling is the best thing to do when ur high...too much fun
  12. I hate tobacco, and that is probably what caused taht feeling. I get nausous(sp?) from second hand tobacco smoke and it makes me sick(literally). Try not smoking that next time and see how you feel.

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