brain cells

Discussion in 'General' started by rift_tripper, Jul 13, 2007.

  1. i heard of this experiment, where they took some mice and injected thc continuously into one for 10 day period, and the other mouse was just the control. at the end of the experiment the mouse that was constantly injected with thc showed spurred brain cell growth (when compared to the control)

    has anyone else heard of this experiment?

    do you think it'd be the same in humans?
  2. thats fucking wierd, i always thought brain cells died when you smoked weed.
  3. wow. i knew marijuana clouded your mind, hurting short term memory. and you get it back if you take a break, making your mind much clearer. but wow, i didn't know that thc leads to the development of new neurons in the brain. holy shit. the prevention and slowing of cancer, treating ADD in kids and teens, it's a bronchial dilator(people with asthma can smoke :D). It's pretty much the number one treatment drug for cancer patients, stimulating appetite and calming nausea induced by chemotherapy. jesus, the only downside that i really see to smoking marijuana is the fact that it makes it hard to remember things, keyword is hard, not impossible. there's even evidence that marijuana increases driving precautions.
    wow, i can't even remember the other positive effects of smoking mary jane.
    (the only downside to smoking)
    ...why is this stuff illegal again...?
    oh yeah, the way our government functions as well as society, even the reason for the season! RASCISM.
    makes sense. i understand completely now.
  4. smoke drugs to make you smart!
  5. AFAIK there is no new growth of neurones in the thinking part of human brain after birth. So even if it does promote brain growth in humans, all you're getting are glia cells which are just buffer tissue.

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