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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Challenger426, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Used the search but braces =/= Jeeps lol... Anyways, I'm stuck in braces for awhile still and quite frankly, they hurt like a complete mofo for about a week after they get tightened... And mine were tightened yesterday. I was wondering if it would be alright to smoke a little to take most of the pain off? Tylenol and advil did fuck all for me, i'm like immune to that and I refuse to ask anyone for some vicadin... My main worry is I don't want to stain my teeth... So, is it alright too?
  2. I've got mine on too, but I smoke regardless. It doesn't really change anything. After they get tightened, smoking definitely helps to numb the pain.

    Smoke away, friend. :smoke:

  3. I don't think it will stain your teeth bud. You should be good to go. If you do take other pain pills don't make it a habit.
  4. I don't see the harm. I would do it. Plus i don't think it would stain your teeth.
  5. Braces are A BITCH! I wish I was smoking when I got them on.
  6. Alright, thanks guys :smoke: Just gotta get my own piece now... Anyone got any ideas for a small pipe or bowl? It's gotta fit in my pocket... +rep too all
    P.S. Happy toking :D
  7. I think I need braces, my bottom teeth are a little fucked up. Seems kind of stange having braces when your 18+ though...
    Smoke stains teeth but if you just smoke a bowl once in a while you shouldn't have a problem

  8. Gotta have them for a few years... I can't walk around hight all the time, my parents were suspicious last time... Just enough to get rid of the pain or when they're not home

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