I dunno, I wanna get rasta colors for my braces at my next appointment. Do you think they'll do it? Do you think the school will care? Lol, this is gonna be funny. Tell me what you think.
I'm getting braces next week. I'm just gonna order the regular ass ones. It's bad enough to have to wear braces without making them tri-color Rastafarian and shit. I don't think the school will care, or anybody for that matter.
Dude! If they give you the option get the gold brackets. Way cooler than silver, you'll get mad looks.
'heyyy man, can i get some fuckin rasta braces man that would be soooo cool man' that's not heat at all
Hey Guys! My parents think they smell weed on my coat. I've been smoking weed out at the bus stop. How do I make my clothes not smell? Should I tell them that I smoke? what if they drug test me, will I pass if I smoke a little bit 5 days before my test?
why would you even ask if the school cares? why would it be their business what fuckin color your braces are lol
yes, the orthodontist can do it and no, the school won't care. but shit, why not just get those clear braces i see advertised instead of running around with metal hangin out in your mouth.. unless your teeth are badly fucked up