
Discussion in 'General' started by chiggmista, May 26, 2010.

  1. Someone once told me the following didn't exist...

    Santa Clause
    The easter Bunny
    Big foot
    Spider man

    and a long list of other various items...but the one thing that wasn't on that list which should have been was...

    The war on drugs...

    Seriously, if police spent more money on murder, rape, and domestic crimes...they would have alot less to do.

    The war on drugs isn't real...seriously, after 30 years what's really to show for it all?
  2. Way to go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off topic. That's a new thread, buddy.

    It isn't completely BP's fault. The government had oversight, and didn't do squat.

    BP should pay the gulf states billions of dollars, they have it in their profits. They ruined lives, man, they gotta pay up.
  3. They'd have to do it in slow motion and then have the into to CSI play.
  4. In turn, ruining more lives?
  5. hey when i become president, and i will be. im going to nationalize the oil companies. just hope your daddy retires before then

    fuck the oil companies!
  6. A minor hit in their profits won't ruin lives. They made 14 billion in profit last year. The spill will make a nice dent into their profit for THIS YEAR. Next year's will be a nice amount, however the businesses that depend on the fishing industry (not just the fishermen, but the processors, distributors, etc) will be damaged greatly for a long time.

    I highly doubt paying off the gulf states will destroy the company.

  7. Sorry to break it to you, but that will never happen.

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