Boycott The 2012 Elections

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Shauneh, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. [ame=""]YouTube - Boycott The Vote 2012[/ame]

    I'm so totally NOT saying this IS the answer. But I think we should run with it and see what happens.

    Blades, whaddya tink? Quite frankly I'm sick and tired of the bull shit games of these tricksters in suits.
  2. I would like to punch that kid in the face!
  3. I can dig it.

    Haha I think that kid is OP.
  4. ill boycott the elections but not because this weirdo asked me too
  5. I'd say a punch in the face and being called a weirdo is worth boycotting the elections xD :smoke:
  6. ya...don't vote so the evil scum can win...and then whine and cry because the elected official is evil...ya...makes sense.:rolleyes:

    btw, if you don't want to vote, there are many other countries ruled via dictatorships or a variant of feel free to move anytime you like.:devious:
  7. #7 209, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    Marijuana on many ballots in 2012 ! you'll only be missing the opportunity to help legalize.

    Retarded to think your hurting someone other then yourself in not voting.

    Im voting and if you dont then GOOD, My vote will count more without yours!

    BTW WTF with the mush mouth?
  8. Right, if I'm not for corporate, admiralty law Federal Reserve ruled America I must be a commie...

    Anyways, the "evil scum" have been winning because we the people have always complied. I am simply calling for a national act of peaceful non-compliance to the current system by withholding our votes. If the people for just a day stood as one, they'd see how powerful we are, and that in fact governments should work for us.
  9. Evil scum are going to win regardless, at least if a larger majority didn't vote they wouldn't be able to say "The people have spoken".

    Let's say 20% of voters are just doing the "lesser of two evils" dance... take them out and only 30% of the people support the regime, meaning someone could work to appeal to that 70%.

  10. Maybe not a punch but an indian burn on the arm??
  11. [​IMG]

  12. You old granola eatin', hemp jewelry wearin'...

    j/p j/p
  13. Yes. They'd laugh and go back to business as usual. And the media would cry hysterics with a different angle than yours, along the lines of: "the death of American engagement." "Apathy!!" Etc etc.

    Sorry man, I understand your goal, but lots of naivete in your reasoning.

    And dude, the only people that will still participate in voting (believe it or not a lot of people won't be swayed by videos like this) will be the same voting bloc as always, thus changing nothing.

    So, yea. Sorry if I just don't see the productivity in this.
  14. First off what elections are you talking about(cant see the vid)? If your referring to the presidential elections voter turn out has nothing to do with it. Even if no one showed up to vote the some jackass would still win. We the people do not have a voice when it comes to the president. There is this little thing called the Electoral college.

    Now if your talking about not voting in any type of election then you are mislead because state elections are where our votes actually count.
  15. Im going to write in vote myself and just cross my fingers
  16. 89% of people ages 18-22 already boycotted the 2010 mid term elections. If you think not voting is going to shake up the system, you're sadly mistaken. actually VOTING is whats going to shake up the system.

  17. Indeed. I didn't bother to watch the vid, the guy looks like a douche :D but not voting is really fuckin dumb, especially if your purpose is to make a difference. If you don't vote, you're not making a difference at all because people in your demographic ALREADY DON'T VOTE.

    I say, boycott boycotting the elections. The weird-looking youtube fools can stay home all they want, how bout those of us with some actual fuckin sense in our heads get out there and vote en masse. Imagine if, instead of 9 out of 10 not voting, 9 out of 10 actually voted instead. All of a sudden politicians go from not giving a fuck (when you won't vote em out of office why the fuc would they???) to actually noticing what you want.
  18. yeah....boycotting an election is pretty f**king pointless, just like voting for the president but not voting for congressmen. I moved to a new state a year ago and i looked at voting numbers. in the 08 presidential election 3.8 million people voted---1 month later there was a senatorial election, 2.1 million people voted. why the hell did 1.7 million people who vote 1 month earlier not vote?

    I will tell you; because people are f**king stupid & for some f**ked up reason think that voting for the president matters. Well it doesn't, the president is not there to represent YOU that's what your congressmen are there for and until people realize this and vote bad congressmen out then none of this shit matters.

    so yeah--dont vote for president i dont care, but please, please, please vote for your congressmen & send them emails telling them how you feel about issues.--why were US soldiers sent to Iraq? because the house of representatives and the senate voted to send troops there. maybe if enough people had written/emailed their senator to vote NOT to send troops, this "war for oil" wouldn't exist. But people dont understand how our government works. SO--f**k this boycott crap--you can write in your own candidate---Personally i will be writing in Willie Nelson for president in the 2012 presidential election.
  19. Boycotting the election is not only an idiotic idea, but it's also a completely idiotic idea.
  20. There is an "anthum" for this cause, (boycotting the 2012 elections). Political activist (and rocker), Ray Benich does a song @ youtube titled "The Party's Over", it makes a hell of a case for not only a boycott of the 2012 elections, but an end to the freakin' two party system... ..."works great for them, not at all for us"!

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