SAFER SAFER Today CO. Tomorrow CA???? Starbucks and other business's are sponsoring the arrest and prosecution Industries fight to maintain marijuana prohibition.FIGHT BACK According to recent reports, law enforcement groups are meddling in Colorado's legislative process in hopes of rolling back the state's progress toward a safer, more rational approach to marijuana. In fact, a bill that would shut down all medical marijuana dispensaries in the state and allow them to continue harassing medical marijuana patients has been introduced on behalf of the law enforcement community, which is now leaning on legislators to support it. Perhaps even more unsettling is the source of the financial support behind the Arrest and Prosecution Industry's war on marijuana. In particular, the group spearheading anti-marijuana lobbying efforts - the Colorado Drug Investigators Association (CDIA) - is sponsored by several local and national businesses, including Starbucks Coffee, Glock handguns, and - you guessed it - members of the alcohol industry! It is clear that these guys are not out to protect people; they're out to continue harrasing marijuana users and ensure that alcohol - the substance that contributes most to the crime and violence that keeps them busy - is the only legal recreational drug available. By giving your business to Starbucks and these other companies, YOUR money is supporting the CDIA's shady anti-marijuana lobbying effort! So… If you support marijuana policy reform, please take the following actions and lend the power of your voice - and your status as a consumer - to this important effort: 1. Boycott Starbucks, as well as these other businesseS 2. Send Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz a quick e-mail message and let him know you will not give Starbucks your business until it ends its sponsorship of CDIA's efforts to maintain Marijuana Prohibition.
wow this whole thing is just a shining example of corruption in the system. I did just a little digging here and this is the denver post article on it. b#ixzz0dg0xQgSk
Nah, a stoner working at the establishment is more of a kick in the balls to their movement because its pretty funny, stoner working for place thats pro marijuana prohibition.. lol
Starbucks? Shit, I love starbucks. I sometimes fantasize that I'm in an Amsterdam coffee shop. I sit out there on the patio with a hand rolled cigarette, enjoying my morning cup of Jo and puff'n my smoke. I always get double-takes, folks think I'm smoking a joint, but no worries, cause I'm in Amsterdam.