I was just reading this article about SAFER's Mason Tvert calling for a boycott of Starbucks because they financially support a group that lobbies for anti-marijuana policies. But the reason I find it newsworthy is because the other companies supporting the group include alcohol firms and Glock handguns. Alcohol is obvious because cannabis would cut into their market, but Glock handguns! It's like they know legalizing cannabis would decrease crime and demand for their guns, so they fight it. That's the only logical thing I can see. What bullshit!
yo word! ive never bought any thing from there any ways, so this will be the easiest boycott ever! fuck that shit though seriously
fuck starbucks....like others here ive never spent a dollar there, and never will...who pays 6 dollars for an overated cup of coffee?? sure as hell not me
i never really gave a fuck about starbucks. now i REALLY wont give a fuck about them. and yes local coffee is way better.
They really are funding domestic terrorism, because keeping cannabis illegal creates violence at home. What destruction!
Probably not far off base - essentially the drug war, including police agency customers, is very profitable for glock. I would prefer if a fine company like glock bug the fuck out of this issue... Starbucks obvious fears competition from some real nice coffee shops in CA.... I think they'll be green as their logo soon though..
Glock is not some evil company conspiring to encourage violence and by some frankly hilarious train of logic raise profits. They make some of the safest hand guns in the world. The most likely explanation is that they oppose legalization for moral reasons. If anyone cares to explain just how they think Glock profits from Marijuana being illegal, I'm all ears.
boycott them anyway. They had their highest grossing year because they fired tons of employees (including my girl.)
Really ? how does glock profit from cannabis being illegal ??? First off, if cannabis were to become legal and LEO were no longer required to make cannabis arrests in would greatly impact the police. Cannabis enforcement makes up about 40% of arrests made by officers nationally. With a 40% reduction in arrests do you think that as many officers will be needed ?? Hell no. There would be lay offs... which equals less officers . Less officers = less weapons needed . Less glocks sold = Reduction of profits. With you biased head in your ass its sometimes hard to see where glock gets the "Moral" initiative to support anti-cannabis lobbying.
Ive already been boycotting starbucks for about 4 years now, so this strenthens my reserve, and hopefully i can finally get some of my ganja friends to join the cause
Obviously he meant as far as reliability and such. It doesn't ask if you REALLY want to pull the trigger or anything. Come on man you're in Texas.