Boy Scouts are out of their freakin minds

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by 1Trismegistus1, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Not really necessary
  2. I was in Boy Scouts and I don't remember selling anything...odd
  3. Can't take a joke?
  4. I think its more of a donnation with a free gift.
  5. hope you like infractions.

  6. haha na man, I've got 2 autistic friends and their cool and all but i sometimes flip my shit on them cause they cut me in line and stuff like that. I was gonna call and be like yo we isn't in need you feel me?:cool:
  7. What kind of a "Boy Scout" has to bring his mother along to take orders for popcorn and pretzels from the neighbors? That is pretty pathetic, and would turn me off to it, regardless of the prices.
  8. i remember selling popcorn as a fundraiser.

    their microwave popcorn is actually better than anything i've tried from a store.

    hard to believe its been >2 years since the last time i had boy scout popcorn lol.

  9. It was a little harsh but I think its necessary to bring it to attention when people constantly make "jokes" about how gay boy scounts are.
  10. Doesn't matter the motive. Personal attacks aren't allowed.
  11. #31 hiimhi, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2010

    closet fag

    [Name calling does not fly here. -FW]
  12. I agree that the boy scouts should start selling girl scout cookies. Tag-a-longs are the shiiiiit

  13. One that's 11 years old
  14. I know, twas only a joke.
  15. I wish some hot girl scout and her mom came knocking on my door. [​IMG]

  16. Looking back I guess i thought I was sounding a bully.
  17. oh to me, i tought it was an on going joke.
  18. Not really helping your cause there, guy.
  19. Well, he's walking around to strangers houses. She probably went with him to make sure he didn't get jacked or kidnapped.

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