ok so my parents found one of the bowls to my bong, when they found it they threw it out. so now ive only got a one hitter bowl that the bong came with. my brother comes home from university of boulder tonight and obviously we plan on blazin. we cant really use the one hitter because we would need to pack a bunch of them because of his "high tolerance" he said. none of my friends have bongs except for one but he broke 2 bowls and the stem in the bong. so i asked if i could borrow one of the broken bowls just until me and my brother take a trip out to a head shop and get a new one. if i can get his broken bowl i would like to try and add something to it so that it will work. the actual bowl part isnt broken but the glass on glass piece that would get put into the stem broke off. anyone know what i can do to make it work? if not whats a good way to make a homemade bowl just until i can go get a new one
Aluminum foil I'll probably catch shit for it but it'll work. I've used foil bowls many times and I'm still alive so you'll be good.
yeah i was thinkin about using foil, but id rather try and get something to make it so i can still use the broken glass bowl haha, maybe recreate the broken part with foil? haha
nah ive got an 18 helix beaker bottom, with an ash catcher which is so much more enjoyable to smoke out of then a grav bong, but i feel ya grav bongs fuck you up ahhaha id try and do this but my friend threw away the piece that broke off haha
I would just make the whole bowl outta aluminum foil. Idk I have like 15 slide so its not a problem for me but that's what I would do. Jb weld is some toxic shit Idk if that would be safe to use.
Do you not have the $20 to go buy another bowl at your lhs? You could even go with your brother and pick a cool heady one out so that you will always remember it.
...did you even read the post? i said i just needed to fix it so i can use it until i go with my brother to get a new one hahaha im gonna get a new one i just need this one to use until i can get it haha
Sorry I just read the first part actually, what can I say I'm mid smoke . If you want an alternative from what you can make at home you can always go with the old fashioned gravity bong or my favorite, a waterfall bong. Both hit hard even for high tolerance users imo. Plus both are free to make usually.
[quote name='"Cbate"']Sorry I just read the first part actually, what can I say I'm mid smoke . If you want an alternative from what you can make at home you can always go with the old fashioned gravity bong or my favorite, a waterfall bong. Both hit hard even for high tolerance users imo. Plus both are free to make usually.[/quote] I made a hybrid of both the other day All you have to do is take a 2 liter bottle and make it like you were using it as a waterfall bong. But then use a bucket of water instead of having to refill the 2 liter everytimeeverytime