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Bought an odd glass pipe, and I dont really know how to smoke out of it properly

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by DistractMe, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Hi everyone, I recently bought a new glass pipe because I accidentally broke my last one. It wasn't until I got home and tried to smoke out of it that I noticed it was different than any other pipe I've owned. Instead of the hole being at the bottom of the bowl, it was located higher up, more in the middle (closer towards smoker when being smoked). There are also two other holes on the left and right sides of the perimeter of the bowl. It's kind of like the bowl has a built-in screen. I hope I'm explaining this correctly...

    Anyway, when I tried to smoke out of it it was very difficult to even get the herb to light. I would hear this whistling sound while inhaling and the herb wouldn't catch fire very easily. There is a shotgun hole which I was covering with my thumb, so that wasn't the issue. I don't really understand how to properly smoke out of this thing! Do I just have to pack really huge bowlpacks so that the herb is covering all three holes in the bowl? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  2. Can I see a pic... I think you bought a pipe for oil/ bho
  3. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1392340275.487982.jpg cuz this is my oil slide. Shitty pic but you can kinda see the holes on the side wall of the bowl
  4. yes, a picture would greatly help but it may be a concentrate pipe.
  5. does the bowl resemble a fish bowl?
    like that
  6. Or you smoke crack. It's a bong slide. Oil goes in bowl. Nail touches oil. Smoke goes through into bong and woo hoo
  7. Hey everyone, thanks for the comments so far. Here is a pic of the piece, hope it helps! The holes are crudely circled in red.[​IMG]
  8. #8 Weedology, Feb 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2014
    Looks like a regular ass bowl dude.
    Put weed in it and use a lighter. Lmfao im guessing the holes are for faster pulls. No idea

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  9. I think it's a oil pipe. Judging from your pic. Are the holes like halfway up? If so it prolly is a oil pipe. I always talk to the dude at the headshop.
  10. Oil pipe my friend.  you need to get a glass wand, heat the tip till its hot then use that to press on your bud.  Works great with hash, oil to but can be messy.
  11. It seems like we've come to a good conclusion. Thanks to everyone that commented, I appreciate the help!
  12. #12 SirKnosAlot, Feb 14, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2014
    So Sorry, Did not know it was a pic by you.. I though it was the op and he didnt no what it was...Sry- Edited the post. surely im never sober on this site i visit while vaping one hand typing half ass looking....

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