Bought a new knife!

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by home wrecker, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Just bought this dope ass knife for only 20$!

    CRKT Crawford/Kasper Folder, Plain Edge, BT Coating

    Its made of steel and has a non-reflective teflon coating so it wont stick to muscle or bone:devious:

    it retails at 75$ which im not sure if thats true but even if it isnt i still think i got a damn good deal!

    so whadda ya guys think?
  2. Nice sticker
  3. I just bought a machete a while back too!

    I tend to chill out in my woods, out by this camp. I think it's called crystal lake. Oh, and I wear my old hockey mask from high school. With my new machete that "has a non-reflective Teflon coating so it won't stick to muscle or bone," I can now just hang out by myself chopping down tree branches and shrubs.

    To be honest, I get a little lonely. Every time I see some people I usually get overly excited and start running in their direction. They take one look at me and run away screaming. I don't know what to do, guys. :(
  4. that's a sweet knife, home wrecker do you hunt or is this just an everyday partner?
  5. No silly he's a serial killer, didhe not inform you before he picked you up hitch hiking?
  6. Lolololo I cant rep aymore today but i would if i could^

    and naah i dont hunt... well deers and shit atleast

  7. Dude! I dig your blade :smoke:

    I've been dyin to pick up a machete for my next outdoor adventure, so many things you can do with a single blade.. so simple, yet so elegantly useful lol
  8. I just picked up a machete last year & carry it around in the front seat of my truck. I also carry wasp spray & thinking about getting a good taser.

    If you lived in Oakland you carry one too.Too many bath salt/crack smoking zombies around here:D
  9. Hate u me some value knives.

    Any idea if this crkt is american steel?
    Just bought the kershaw tremor, asset and compound last month. All are great knives, fast, super sharp but chinese...wuldnt hurt to get some american steel too
  10. Tell me more on the wasp spray please
  11. lmfao when I was just around finishing elementary school and my step dad gave me a machete and im like :confused_2: wtf do you want me to become jason, what the fuck am i suppose to do with a big ass machete. I think its in storage still lol :p
  12. #12 TonyCartman, Aug 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2012
    Why people buy those knives? :confused:

  13. Primarily to cut objects and object-like things.
  14. And the throats of troublesome individuals.
  15. [quote name='"Malvolio"']

    And the throats of troublesome individuals.[/quote]

    Thats why I asked, because this knife looks like it was made for cutting throats not "objects"..

    Anyway, moving on...
  16. Which would be classified under 'object-like things'.

    Hunting dude. You ever cut into a deer or chop a fish's head off? You're going to need a rather sharp blade.

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