As it states in the title I caught the botany bug pretty bad. A little over a month ago I germinated my first seed since like 2nd grade in science class. Only this time it was a cannabis seed instead of a bean seed. I have successfully kept my plant healthy for around 40 days which is very enjoyable I must say. I love learning about different species plants and all the different growing methods and techniques. I have been doing research into Bonsai Tree's very extensively and have found a few species I will be ordering seeds for. For some reason most people seem to think there is only one species of bonsai tree but what they do not realize is that all tree's are capable of being bonsai'd. Bonsai basically just means that a tree's roots are bound within a small pot and the plant is stressed in a way so that it fully matures within a confined space. Below is a list of the tree seeds I have on order: Japanese Red Maple(Acer Palmatum) Dwarf Banana Tree(musa acuminata) Tangerine Citrus Tree(Kishu Mandarin) I am just kind of intrested to see what the community knows about bonsai trees and if anyone is currently a care taker of a bonsai tree. As I said I am going to be doing these from seed and I plan on getting a full indoor garden going but these grabbed my attention almost immediatly. If you own your own please feel free to post your pictures here. I'm kind of thinking this will be a dead topic but its intresting all the same.