Borderlands (Xbox360)

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Jaws420, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. Hey just got Borderlands for XBOX360, anyone wanna play sometime?

    just started so ill be leveling my hunter tonight

    "Party On Garth" :smoking:
  2. games dope...i play it at my friends house...when i get my gametag at his house well probabally go on..
  3. I'm down to play some co-op in a bit, my GT is bluntzilla69, add me if you want to play.
  4. Just wait till you get to the end.. the ending made me hate that whole fucking game.
  5. yeah i heard the ending sucks, unless im playing a game specifically for story (certainly not borderlands) i usually try and skip all story parts and just run through it

    but yeah i got a busy week probably sunday though i'll get back got my hunter to like lv 14 last night pretty addictive game

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