Booze or Pot?

Discussion in 'General' started by XZit, Mar 30, 2004.


Booze or Pot?

  1. Booze?

    0 vote(s)
  2. Pot?

    0 vote(s)

  1. How about me and you go for a drink?
    I promise you a night to remember,I might offer to take on twenty guys if I have enough to drink(I like to fight).
    One word of warning, if I do get in a fight don't try and stop me,you instantly become the enemy if you do.

    If you knew how many times I have endangered the lives of people around me because of my temper you wouldn't be so quick to want to see me when I'm drunk and angry.

    Also the amount of weekends I've wasted sitting in a cell waiting to appear before the courts on monday is just stupid.
    The bloody fines for drunk and disorderly.
    I honestly change into a fuckin maniac and I'm bad enough sober,take it from me I'm much nicer stoned than drunk.
    PS It took nearly 20 yrs to come to these conclusions.
  2. yea well it looks like your conclusions are right...if you can't go out and drink without getting into fights with people then you shouldn't be doing it, plain and simple.

    It just looks like alcohol isn't for you.
  3. pot without a doubt.
    i dont like what beer does to me.

    but in parties- i love it
  4. earlier today i poured myself a rum and coke. i got half way threw it and was like, uhhh, shit what the fuck is the point here, im going to feel like shit tomorrow, i dont feel that great now, ill probabaly do something dumb later, etc... and im soo glad because i chose smoking instead and i feel much better, and ill be fine tomorrow too. why? well, because pot is a medicine and alcohol is a poison. i medicate daily, i have no side effects other than hunger and some red eyes. pot, clearly a better choice.
  5. Both are good.

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