Booster question - moster bloom - advice, going to store tomorrow

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by c0rn, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Hi People,

    I have been reading about people using different boosters to of course help boost their harvest =)

    At the moment I have 6 girls in beginning of the 5th week of bloom.

    Today I use BioBizz Grow + BioBizz Bloom + BioBiz BioHeaven in BioBizz light mix soil, see my signature for grow journal and more details about the grow. To be honest I have used this nutrient mix for a couple of grows now and it seems to work good... plants looking nice and healthy. But once I ran out of BioHeaven just before the bloom period and to be honest I cant really see that much difference with or without BioHeaven and have read about other people thinking the same.

    Anyways here is my question: I am going to a grow store tomorrow to pick up some more soil bags and was thinking of getting some Monster Bloom or Big Bud... but everywhere I read people say different things on when and how to use it... some say use diluted mix of monster bloom through the hole bloom period and use full mix week 4 or 5 and others say only week 4 or 5... it does get a bit confusing when reading about it.

    So any kinda guide or help where would be sooooooo very very appreciated. Im not a total noob but I guess I do still have LOADS to learn and hope that it always will stay like that because this is so much fun =)

    Anyways much appreciated if anyone could give me a hand here.
  2. BUMP:
    sorry for doing this, I normally never would but I'm off to the store soon and the people that work there are pure sales people and would say anything to sell. Good prices and loads in stock though =)

    again sorry bumping.
  3. Ahh well.. got to the store (never been to this one before) at 5:10 and of course they had closed at 5:00 and not 5:30 like the site said.. so there is still time for any thoughts you might have.

    Is this a over discussed subject? Just wondering if or why I never get any answers. Though that does happen in forums sometimes, its easy to get ones thread lost =)
  4. Usually that type of stuff comes with instructions. If it's not clear enough, just look up thier website.

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