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boos or bud

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by lacrossestar, Dec 29, 2002.


Boos or bud

  1. Boos (any ,beer jack etc)

    0 vote(s)
  2. bud

    0 vote(s)
  1. Well, To state Kid Rock at this point.... " you never met a mother fucker quite like me....."

    I dont tend to drink because of my upbringing, I never once saw my parents drunk, my grandfather had a big drinking problem, but he was a vet so we accepted it.

    I cant drink shots, throw up after 8 beers and I can only stomach mixes, now im drinking kahlua and milk....

    I can smoke 1/2 oz in a sitting and be ok... I have never turned down a doob n my whole entire life when it was offered or had it... And Ive actually gotten to great peaks, but am still capable of more....

    And only recently I tried tea & cookies with 3 g's, and I think I found something good there... but its quite expensive I pay top $$$ for top bud only though.... so cooking is too expensive... ive never taken a break from smoking, and Ive been high every morning and every night after work for 2 months now... but my lungs are feeling it now... so im contemplating slowing to once a day.... or the dredful occassional doob.....
  2. both tbh..
    bud better tho

    eh that was interesting..hasnt been replied to for 2 months yet its on front page ?
  3. bud has a better feeling, and no hangover:D
  4. yeah i love smoking the cronic every day! but when i am out i feel compeled to drink...its sort of sad:( . but i get by ok, what i really like to do is smoke and drink! the bud gets you high and the booze amplifys it.
  5. I drink like once a month, and I never drink if I don't have Smoke, so i voted for Bud.

    When I drink I like to drink enough to get a buzz going (usuaully 2 or 3 beers) Then I like to Smoke it down so that I feel the Weed and the Alcohol.
  6. That's shitty man, but I feel you on that.. I had to take my best friend to the ER at 3 am, after he drank almost a bottle and a half of SCOTCH (dont ask me why)

    He passed out while talking in the middle of a sentence, then 10 minutes later he rolled on the ground and it looked like he was seizuring. Doctors said if I didnt take him to the hospital that night, there was a 80% chance he could have died.

    scary stuff

    I drink occasionaly, but would take bud over booze anyday.
    Nothing like enjoying a few frosty beers though
  7. Well, if you are saying I could only do one for the rest of my life, I would pick bud.

    But I blaze pretty much every day, it's nothing special anymore, so if one night for whatever reason I could only drink or smoke, not both, I would probably pick drinking.
  8. I enjoy both but I like to smoke more than drink.
  9. depends, most of my friends arent into it, and some are, which sucks because i personally hate drinking A LOT especially with some of my friends who love to just get piss drunk every weekend....booooooring

    but if u were to put me in an empty room and offer me either i would definetly say bud
  10. one vote for both boose and bud
  11. I like drinking in a party situation
    and smoking when its just me and my buds...

    i get too weird when im high, like i never know what to say
    but when im drunk i know exactly what to say :rolleyes:
  12. Theres nothing better than smoking a bud.
  13. Bud any time.
  14. I'd much rather have some bud then some alcohol. Both if I can swing it though. If I could only choose one bud would win out everytime.
  15. BUDS!!!!!! and not bud light! joke:D
  16. Id pick smoking bud over drinking any time but drinkings good to.
  17. I prefer bud, drinking is ok at first, but torward the end of the night I allways feel like crap and the next day just gets worse.. if I smoke a lot and get the spins, they will pass and I never feel like crap the next day.
  18. buuud. i'm too small to drink much without getting sick. i can get hiiiiigh as a motherfucker though :smoke:

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