Boomers & political correctness?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by nachoboomer, Sep 3, 2023.

  1. What is a (boy) TO DO? So the liquor store I go to has a young cashier with multi colored hair & a body that I can't tell IT'S sex. How about one of those old name tags that says "hello my name is xyz" but change it to "hello my sex is xyz" too easy/simple? I want to be able to address said person politely. If it has one of those names that don't help identify a gender I'm gonna :poop:. The usual terms like Dude, bro, hon don't seem to fit.
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  2. Just buy your liquor and move on.
    Be polite, no need to address the person as she/he/they/them/toaster/unicorn.
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  3. Out for an early afternoon troll?
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  4. Never been an issue with me.

    My conversations with them basically go:
    "hows it going?"
    "good, you?"
    "good. cash or credit?"
    "need a receipt?"
    "have a good day"
    "you too"
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  5. SO impersonal for someone you see often. See how easy A-holes label you for trying to be polite! IT WAS AN HONEST QUESTION, NO TROLLING! I just know eventually I'm gonna slip up & call him/her the wrong thing. I am normally extremely good at judging age/sex weight (part of my former job) this one has me stumped. :confused_2:
  6. All the things that don't matter......I see.
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  7. I been here ...I been here!!! I noticed whats its name, didn't have a name tag on as per everyone else did,
    I asked for the manager and complained, next visit 'it' was wearing the name tag id'ed as Robin? lol
    (Robin a bi sexual name in my hood)
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  8. If you want to chat that's fine. I think its easy to make small-talk without their gender playing a factor.
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  9. Ignore the haters, they like to pick on Boomers here a lot.
  10. External sex parts (danglers) = MALE
    Internal sex parts (setters) = FEMALE
    No bits at all = IT.
    I am so fucking done with it all.
    You can put lipstick and high heels on a giraffe but it is still a.......
    Life was simpler back when you didn't need a DNA printout to really know who or what you are dating.
    Below are 107 gender identities currently listed for 2023. (These are the more commonly known gender identities - as listed on Wikipedia at - and is subject to change at any time.)Dec 7, 2022
    ============================== End
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  11. When Joe Bidens surgeon general can't even define what a woman is, America is fucked... I was in the medical field for 27 years, it was always pretty easy to define what a woman is...
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  12. I think my dog is identifying as a toaster. Or was it the other way around?
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  13. LOL yeah I got the basics but they can be clever with short haircuts & big baggy clothes WTF knows??? How do (insert the correct word for "you people" address each other? Is bitch & dude still gender neutral, if not polite??? I just don't know anymore. :confused_2:
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  14. I know the owner & everyone else in the store by a first name, SO is it me??? SO I have to walk on eggshells around a store employee being a good customer and all? Employees should wear an Id badge That includes sex.:rolleyes: Too far? :D
  15. #15 BrassNwood, Sep 4, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2023

    I've had mine for decades just ask my wife.
  16. My favorite is...

    I identify as invisible. My pronouns are who/where. I'm transparent.
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  17. Just make your purchases, don't want to chance getting cancelled because you didn't acknowledge; or in this case potentially "misidentify" someone elses particular mental baggage.
  18. Say, "Hey dumbass"

    And if they turn and look that's on them.

    Works on anyone ;)

    Say whatever you feel, if they get offended then tell them you identify as a bigot, and if they don't allow your bigotry then they're murdering you.
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  19. If you know everyone else at the store then just ask one of them.
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  20. It's a small 1 person shop. Don't worry I'll be tactful. :rolleyes:

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