Books on math?

Discussion in 'The Bookshelf' started by Toxy, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. Hey blades.

    So, I'm average at math, but I like the concept a lot. I never really studied math at school because I dropped out when I was younger and so I feel my best bet now is to find a book about it.

    I'm interested in the concept of it, as well as learning it. I know this may be an out of range question but hey who knows, maybe one of you guys could give me a suggestion.
  2. it depends on what you want to learn, start out easy, with some pre-algebra, then algebra, trigonometry, calculus, statistics.

    what you can do is find current versions of textbooks, and buy that textbooks older editions really cheap. maybe buy teachers editions. as long as you do the work in each chapter you can use the internet to help teach yourself.
  3. Thanks for the advice. :)
  4. Go to your local big box book store and ask. The one in my city has all kinds one which im interested in.About math you could use in an "everyday" situation, although thats reaching a bit. Beginner to advanced math and well explained/diagramed.

    ...wait, how seriously do you want to get into math? aha
  5. MITOpenCourseWare

    they have all types of courses.

    tests/answers/examples/lecture videos.

    PM me if you have any specific mathematics questions.

    i am a mathematician :D
  6. For a leisurely and lay-many stroll through some introductory mathematical + scientific facts and speculations, check out One Two Three... Infinity. It's kind of outdated , but hey what isn't by today's standards?

    If you work your way up to Calculus, Calculus For the Practical Man is a text Richard Feynman mentioned in an interview. He said that this was the book he learned Calculus from when he was a teenager. Again, an old text, but nonetheless teaches you the elements of calculus in a very straightforward manner. Although Feynman does go onto say that some of the techniques used are not commonly seen in today's elementary Calculus texts, they are still useful approaches to solving problems.

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