
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ReallyRed, Feb 15, 2004.

  1. hello, a while back when i first tried out my first plants i pruned them back to allow the stem to divide and shoot two stems up... i did this a few times and got 8 stems total...

    the process took about a month, but what i was wondering was if this can significantly harm the growing process... true, the promise of more buds is what i went for, and although i had to harvest early (it was indoor, and i had to move) so i don't know if it would have given me good buds...

    any ideas? i know that to do this i do risk some damage, but has anyone ever pinched off during the grow process? did it still produce quality buds come harvest? how did it affect the growing time and vegetative state? nutrient requirements?

    very green grower here, just wanting to make sure that i cover all bases.
  2. yes it can work and is a good way to make good use of space and light.
  3. oh, sorry, didn't know the proper term...

    thank you.

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