bonsai cannabis by puppeteering!

Discussion in 'Picture Post Archive' started by the rainman!, Jun 22, 2002.

  1. i started this post on the edge and it has gone well and i think some of my friends here would enjoy it ! this is the art of bonsai in a new way that i have been trying just for cannabis and so far it is breaking all the rules !i hope you all enjoy this it is fun and has been very rewarding !
  2. frist you well need a light weight kit string, something to cut it with !

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  3. next you well need a friendly plant like this bog bubble at 2 1/2 weeks from clone ,and it well have to be in a planter that cut be cut at the edges or rim of the planter ,dont worry it can be reused again and again ! you can see here that the cuts well be used to hold the strings and can be ajusted easy when needed

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  4. what you you well be doing is tieing small slip knots in the string at one end and puting them around a branch that needs to be tied down ! now do not tighten the lop of the slip knot on the brach it self leave it open like 1 inch so it dose not joke the branch the slip knot is only so you can open it biger and smaller to get it on the branch it self ! ,leaveing the other end so it can be cut to lenght needed!

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  5. this is the canopy as it started 8 inches around and the plant is 4 1/2 inches high!

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  6. this is the plant now at 4 weeks at 6 inches high and a canopy around 12 inches ,with 37 shoots and lots of new growth ,now being held by 31 strings !

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  7. picture in your mind haveing your hand open and under the planter with the strings tied to your fingers this is how i come up with the idea of puppeteering the plant i can control its every move ! and dont be scared away by the number of strings ,take your time and it well be easy for you !

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  8. this picture shows the stem is bending from the combend preasure of the strings holding the branchs down from growing up ward! this often happens in bonsai and is a good sign that the plant is truely being controlled in its growth rate !

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  9. this is a shot of her under canopy !

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  10. this picture was artistic in it reminded me of the sun seting near by my little bonsai cannabis ! good luck all and enjoy this fun and rewarding hobby !and dont give up this is prove it can be done! good luck tazz11

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  11. Tazz, this is a remarkable project you have undertaken! Good for you and good luck!
  12. thanks dude its been a lot of fun and i like trying new things and this was great i have done bonsai in the past with red maple and had some idea of how to change the plant a little at a time with the combind peasure of the strings but i am as shock as all of you that it could be done at all !but now i am thinking of leting her go and see how she dose ,she now has 49 shoots and she wants to get free bad !so i am very happy that it worked and i cant wait to see how she dose ,she needs to be transplanted soon and i think i well set her free than !she has blessed me by showing her well to bow to my wish, what more can i ask ?its time to thank her for her gift !,,,,good luck tazz11
  13. Tazz11,,,,you are as bad as I am when it comes to playin around with these as hell isn't it!! Man..I have made a Bansai Bud Ball was definately cool as hell.....have fun man...(as if your

  14. i set her free last night and this morning she has the fullist canopy i ever seen, she rocks dude ! she took off like a horse out of the gates !47 bud sites headed to the finish line i hope ! she'll have to be tied up dont you think? !lol thanks ndicaBud! i got all my crosses done and i have some time to kill finily! (check this out !( belladonna x navellie haze, belladonna x g13xbw,g13 xhp-twphr x g13xbw, g13xhp-twphr x navellie haze ,and belladonna x belladonna phenotype,)and i just got my Ak47 f2's and blue ruskaya seeds for my next round of crossing if needed !lol i think some body is planing on getting stone!lol i'll kill the pain or i want even remember its there!lol,.....whats my name?. good luck tazz11

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