Bonsai Bud

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by peyote4me22, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. i have heard somewhere you can grow bud in the "bonsai" fashion, where the plant grows along the ground, and you can control the size of the plant. I have also heard that the plant produces more buds per cubic feet then otherwise. is any of this true, and would it be too much to ask for a walk through for Bonsai Bud?
  2. bonsai bud?? never heard of that but wouldnt that just be a tiny budding(flowering) plant?
    you can grow bonsai mother plants, used for cuttings, theres a sticky on here somewhere, & there are ways to grow a plants small & short etc
  3. yes its true a plant can produce more bud per cubic feet, however it also depends on ur lighting system, the more lumens, the better.

    In order to create a bonsai tree looking plant, u have to prune ur plant on both sides on about the 3rd week of veg, i'd say about 40% of leaves, never go past 50 since that could kill your plant, each new prune u make will allow new branches and new leaves to grow out, then u are to prune again about 4-5 week, then by the 7th week u'll notice ur plant starting to grow more outward more than inward.

    heres an example if u were to prune, let's say ur plant has 6 shoots, and its 3 nodes high, if u prune it u'll end up with 12 shoots.

    remember though if u were to use this technique u'd have to extend ur veg time to about 2 months, but u'll have crazy yield.
  4. Look up LST. That should help.

  5. i dont want a huge plant bent along the ground, ui want a little plant, maybe a foot high but still produces Decent buds
  6. yea dude thats why i linked u to that guide for bonsai mums, id say you could just follow that & mayb make the plant bit smaller than in the guide as you would be flowering it & it will typically double in size when u do that

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