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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 420 Toker, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Hey Guys... Im new to the forums and looking forward too hopefully chatting too you all (If your all friendly too me :D). Anyway i was wondering, I usually smoke Spliffs but am looking too quit tobacco as it's degrading my health massively and my fitness is just as low as my bank balance... Does anyone have any suggestions on a good first piece or if its Worth while investing in a Bong and what should i look for too get a premium smoke and my moneys worth. Thanks Guys... :smoke:
  2. #2 xsploit, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2010
  3. Thank you for your reply xsploit... It's not loading up on mine either :/ ... This is going too sound really stupid and Silly but on the market stalls In Leeds, UK. There is a man who sells Paraphanelia Ect. and he has a collection of Bongs and some are glass with glass bowls there going for £20-£25 i presume there cheap and fake but if it's a glass piece then surely it can't differ much from say a Roor, obviously ice chambers and customization comes into play but You get my drift?
  4. my advice for you would be don't buy a bong from a gas station or a convenience store. if your going to buy one you might as well buy a decent one from a cannabis culture shop. the glass is better quality but the price will be higher
  5. Yeah, if you aren't too set on getting a Roor or brand name wares, shop around the local head shops and look for pieces with the thickest glass in whatever style/price range you pick out. Take your time, buying new glass is always a fun thing to do :D

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