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Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by yawww, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. i want to buy my first bong... a good one for cheap. sooo i found this

    Gear bong

    real? fake? good? bad?

    also if i buy new down stems or glass ware for it. and such, will it be compatible?

    sorry for the noobness. this is my first bong....
  2. those are good and for 60 i would pick it up a gear was my first one and i too sold it on craigslist
  3. I suggest ordering a 250-500ML EHLE.
    They are cheaper than that and you get guaranteed quality.
  4. I've heard a lot of negatives about Gear, they are a canadian company based out of BC but i've heard a lot about their glass being imported/low cost crap. I've never see any proof of this so it is all hearsay but i would agree if you want a good first GonG go for an EHLE.
  5. anyone know where i can get one in canada?

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