why do you think bongs are so good? I made one from instructions off the net and when I go to light it I have to suck mega hard to barely get it lit and by that time im outta breath (while getting no smoke at all) and then the damn thing smokes but the smoke rises and escapes!! why is this,surely this isnt supposed to happen. heres a pic
lol, well first off, dont judge a bong solely after having used a homemade one. Bongs give the largest, coolest hits imaginable, and I'd prefer a bong rip over any other method any day. (P.S. a little advise, dont make bongs that are fat, make them tall and skinny, the wider the circumference of a bong, the harder it will be to draw the smoke, thas why most bongs are long thin tubes, not coke bottles
OK try this.. first bong I ever made and it's great. Get a 600ml (or equivilant) coke bottle. Use your lighter to burn a hole near the middle (but slightly lower) of the bottle. Get a bit of hose and push it through the hole with the plastic is still hot. Force it in, the hot plastic will dry around it creating a seal. The cone goes in the top of the hose, not at the top of the bottle. Make a shotgun hole on the opposite side of the bottle, closer to the top. The top of the bottle is your mouth piece. I don't like the design you had. You won't have to suck very hard if you make it right. Good luck, peace
shame on you, you shouldn't judge a bong just because it's 'differently abled'. with the proper surgery and edjucation that bong could be president one day! What?
wow, bongs rule. But unfortunitly I had to put my bongs away into hideing because someone got busted with 2 1/2 oz's right in front of my house. And the town has been dry for about 3 months now so it wasent a good bust. I wish i could be smokeing outta my bong right now, but I gotta use a pipe.
*SNIFFS AROUND* HMMM....I SMELL A NEWBIE OH HELL FUCKING NO!!!!!!! *GETS UP AND TAKES OUT AXE* *SOUND OF SOMEONE SCREAMING* ANYONE ELSE WANNA START A THREAD ON HOW BONGS SUCK? I DIDNT THINK SO! Your bong was obviously retarded because it didnt function right, see you need to actually buy a bong or make a real nice one and then you'll see what the big thing about them is....
if SANZO tangles with the telemagikal squealflute filibuster jenkins...hell know what bongs are all about!!
thats the name of my bong named courtesy of the not so present kronos and element....where are those clowns anyway?