Hello, I purchased a triple perc bong from a local shop last week. I haven't used it yet because when I got home I noticed it was from china. The holes on the down stem diffuser arent even open all the way. It looks sketchy as fuck. And the bowl isn't fumed. It looks like shit and the glass is crusty looking around the hole of the bowl. This is fucked up cause I bought it for 150, which is a good deal, but now I know why. Has any one else had this problem? can it still be used? I am waiting till I hear that it is fine before I use it. I doubt the owner will let me return is even though it hasn't been used. Thanks! Hope to hear others people's thought!!!
If the diffy is so messed up that it has a risk of breaking, or it doesn't even work correctly, I'd reccomend taking it back to the shop and asking them to replace it with a better one. A fumed slide doesn't really have anything to do with the quality/function. Also, talk to the store about replacing the whole tube itself for rhw "crust" around the bowl. It can still be used, but this is honestly your fault for not checking it out before buying it when you we're at the shop. It's pretty easy to tell from even a quick glance around if it's china or not.
Thanks man, Yea I'm from California and I bought it in new mexico, And back home all the head shops have brand name bongs or local ones. So the thought never crossed my mind that china imported ones in. I know its my fault but then again I wasn't aware. I heard their glass can contain lead? does anyone know anything about that. I'm just trying to be safe here and not get lead poisoning or inhale glass pieces for 200 hundred dollars. Thanks again