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  1. wut is the best site for cheap and good bongs
  2. Read the rules.
  3. GC is the best site. duh.
  4. y im not asking any thing bad i hear people asking things like this all the time so i think u should read the rules:cool:
  5. not for price there not
  6. you can't link to other shops that compete with GC
  7. CAN'T LINK OTHER SITES. So listen to the people that have been here longer than you and read the rules. And shop at grasscity biatch!:smoking:
  8. i never asked for a link so u need to not post if u didnt read wut i said :cool:

  9. How else are people supposed to give you a site? You're dumb, but I'm gonna get back to scanning some real threads. Peace
  10. your FUCKING RETARTED u can just post the name of the site
  11. Coming from the dude that can't even spell retarded. Hahaha. Wow. It's still the same. If you're so interested, google it.
  12. i alredy did i wanted to no if some one new a good site they have bought from that was cheap its sooo gay how it seems there allways people like u on here telling people to fallow the rules like a little kid
  13. Alright well you can get flagged or banned but I'm not. I love gc! And don't say anything about being a little kid! You have the spelling capabilities of a four year old.
  14. boro blazer i really hate people like you. people like you make sites like this suck.

  15. Well All I can say if you don't like our Rules I have no Problem showing you the Backdoor.

    And another Rule we Strickly enforce is Name please refrain from doing so in the Future.

    Thanks for understanding...Thread Closed
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