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Bong while living with rents

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by success, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Sup guys, so I've been really wanting to get a bong recently. My parents know I smoke and my dad smokes as well. My mom is kinda okay with it. Couple days ago I brought home a 8th of some staaaaanky shit and she was bitching at me. I have a spoon and a bubbler at the moment and I can't clear like 3 hits from my bubbler in a row and be fine and my spoon gets hot fast even though it is a very nice piece. So what I'm asking is would it be a good idea to get a bong right now. My dad catches me all the time he just saysI'm 18 I can do what I want but don't smoke in the house, so I go outside in my backyard. If he took my bong he'd probably just smoke with me. My mom doesn't really go through my room. I hide my shit but just out of view like behind a box or something really simple. Also could anyone recommend a smaller size bong for around $50. Is this a smart idea?
  2. I had a 14 inch bong when I first started smoking and my parents didn't know about me tokin'. One day they found EVERYTHING (a few bowls, chillms, scale, baggies, weed, grinder, including my bong that was in the garage in a box...).

    I wouldn't invest in a bong until you're sure that it will be fine if one of your rents find it. I'm to the point where when my mom finds a chillm in my jeans when she's gonna go wash them, she puts it in my drawer as if it was my wallet or something. If I were to have a bong now, my mom would probably help me hide it from my dad cuz my dad isn't a huge fan of me smoking anything.

    I'm just saying, the last thing I want when I come home from a long day of work is to notice my bong missing again. Wait til you move out for a piece that big, what's wrong with bubblers or bigger bowls?

  3. im not looking for a big one just a decent a size. my dad smokes weed too. first time my mom caught me my dad gave me my weed back with a exception of a nug. (hmmm wonder why). my mom gave me back my visine the other day. also she always jokes around with me being high 24/7. also she took the bubbler i have now a while ago and put it in their closet and i just took it back and she didnt say anything.
  4. [quote name='"livinlifebro"']
    I'm at work and my paycheck is sittin in my bag, and I like that setup but I don't like the carb :eek:[/quote]

    Me either but I'm just going to tape it up and just pull the bowl out to clear it
  5. Why not get a bong? Sounds like your parents don't care that you smoke so I would get one. My parents are extremely similar to yours, but they both smoke and neither of them care whatsoever. I still hide my pieces and shit out of respect, though.

    I'd get one if I were you!

  6. yea my dad doesnt care, my mom kinda does just because im her child and she doesnt want me to get in trouble with the law or get my brother into smoking. but i think im going to!
  7. You're 18, go to a smoke shop and get a nice little acrylic bong, I got a nice sized one the size of my forearm for around $30 bucks

  8. headshops around here are expensive as FUCK, and i dont want a acrylic.
  9. If your parents know you smoke, and haven't kicked you out yet. Go ahead and get the bong dude.
  10. With bongs you wanna be in triple digits (100$) because thats better quality smoking pieces. Local headshop or
  11. I got a mini bong at a local head shop for $15. It was about 6 inches high, and the slide broke on me 3 times before I told the mini bong to meet mr. garbage can. What i'm trying to say is don't buy a cheap ass bong, because that's exactly what they are. You get what you pay for I guess. My homie bought a $60 no name bong, and that worked nicely. It wasn't the best but it'll definitely do. I'm sure you'll pick a good one op.
  12. I would save up $200+ if i were you to buy a quality piece of glass. $50 isnt going to get you a top of the line piece, and i can tell you for a fact my $400 pure rips much much better than my brothers $80 china glass with almost identical parts. You can get a straight tube illadelph or roor thats quality for ~$150-$300 or even a nice erlenmeyer flask style pure. Id highly recommend spending the extra cash on a name brand.
  13. i dont know if i want to spend that much, i mean its my first bong
  14. ye get the bong youll be gettin way more ripped and just dont let ur parents take the bong ur 18
  15. Tape doesn't look very might consider using a carb stopper:
    G-Spot Glass - Rubber Carb Stopper - Bong Accessories - Spare Parts - Smoking Pipes -

    You can probably find similar stoppers ("rubber corks") at a hardware store. I bought the one linked above on my last order from GC and it's well worth the sub-$1 price tag. I don't mind using a carb, but my friends prefer using the slide, so my carb usually stays plugged with the stopper. :bongin:
  16. [quote name='"PCjabber"']

    Tape doesn't look very might consider using a carb stopper:
    G-Spot Glass - Rubber Carb Stopper - Bong Accessories - Spare Parts - Smoking Pipes -

    You can probably find similar stoppers ("rubber corks") at a hardware store. I bought the one linked above on my last order from GC and it's well worth the sub-$1 price tag. I don't mind using a carb, but my friends prefer using the slide, so my carb usually stays plugged with the stopper. :bongin:[/quote]

    Thanks I'll have to order one when I order my bong

  17. i wouldnt let em take it trust me ahahaaha.

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