bong water question

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Omanlew, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Whaddup GC, i have a normal plain glass bong with a basic slide and bowl. My question is, i generally pack like .3 to .4 bowls and they always end up being like 1 good hit and the ashe hitt after. My qeustion is where should i be filling up the water. I generally fill it up half way to the stem but whenever i do less water or more it either sucks through quick or doesnt burn well. the reason is because from my old glass bong i used to get like 4 good hits, i feel like im wasting weed. usually theres weed in the water after its annoying. any suggestions
  2. It's probably the bong, buy a new one. Get a ROOR. And if you don't like wasting weed, use a glass spoon or a metal pipe, you'll get much higher with the same amount of weed you'd use for a bong.
  3. You should also look at the hole of your bowl..

    1) its not resined up, so it just shoots down the tube.
    2) the hole may be kinda big, the glass blower may have made it too big if its glass

    As far as water, its preferance...
    If you have less water you get more smoke volume, more water you get less.

    try your metal bowl in the glass bong and see what that does...

    burtontoker is right, if you want to not waste any weed... pipes
    If you want to blow your weed away, smoke blunts and joints....
    Bongs arnet too bad but yeah pipes are better...

    You could get old school, and put a metal pile and screen on the bowl stem....

    Just some ideas....

    Toke up 420

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