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Bong vape high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bluefloyd, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. So I own an iolite (v2) and used it daily for a couple months but now Im back to bong tokes. I prefer my 30$ bong over it. The high just seems so different between the two. I usually smoke at night so that's why I prefer the high from the bong. I know the iolite may not be the greatest vaporizer but I expected more from it. It was really cool the first couple months but now I never touch it. 
    Ive only been smoking frequently for about a year so I thought id come here to ask for your thoughts on this.
    Is it all in my head? Do I just need to consume more weed from the iolite to achieve a stronger body high?

  2. I've heard its cuz Vapes only give a THC high, and actual smoke has more cannabanoids in it.
    Also, the sheer volume of a bong is far greater than a vape. Think of it like alcohol, what's gonna do more, a shot of schnapps, or a Stein of moonshine?
  3. yeahh good point..
  4. Higher temperature on the vape will give heavier highs but mostly vapes are more clear highs. Hook your iolite up to your bong.

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