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Bong Tips Plz!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BigBadBong, Mar 10, 2012.

  1. Spent the 3 years of my smoking life only rolling joints and using pipes. Friend bought this cheap ass glass bong and we all started ripping it. I find it fucking killer on the throat to stack the bong hit and then 1-shot clear it. I just end up with mad coughing fits ):

    Any tips/tricks on how to handle bong hits? Maybe I just need time to get used to it and keep trying? The bong is pretty big for my first time i guess, its about from the tip of my fingertips to place between the bicep/deltoid.
  2. Put some pics up! If it has ice pinches, throw some ice in the tube. It makes a huge difference. Also, eventually after smoking a lot you will get accustomed to the smoke and be able to take bigger rips. Good luck!
  3. It ususally comes with time, BUT not everyone likes and can smoke out of a bong, my dealer says she gags and wants to puke everytime, so she just smokes joints
  4. Not to highjack the thread, but i just purchased my first bong ever off this site (wont be here for a few weeks prolly) but are there any cleaning tips.

    I got the Black Leaf Mini Nautilus as my first one.
  5. Man everyone has coughing fits hitting a bong, especially when thry are a rookie lol. There really isnt anything to it, the more you do it the better you will be able to handle it, but for now dont take such big of hits man! If you take smaller hits you wont cough as much/at all and you can gradually get them bigger over time. If any of us take a huge rip we will cough (size of that hit that makes this happen varies with everyone)
  6. [quote name='"SmokenSomeGreen"']Not to highjack the thread, but i just purchased my first bong ever off this site (wont be here for a few weeks prolly) but are there any cleaning tips.

    I got the Black Leaf Mini Nautilus as my first one.[/quote]

    Search it. A piece cleaning thread is made like 8 times a day
  7. epsom salts and rubbing alcohol bro (isoprophyl 91%). you can find them at your local pharmacy, grocery store, etc. for cheap!!

  8. Its just something you need to get accustom to. If your new to bongs you probably should have started with a smaller one. Me personally if the tube is 15+ inches I pull the slide when I can feel smoke on the back of my throat. Anything below that you can milk it all day.
  9. Once you datart getting really high, be sure not to accidentally drop the bowl down the main tube, seen it happen many a time lol.
  10. I've been smoking bongs for years and I'm still a choker. I like bongs enough I get over it.
  11. You just need to take your time, and pull slowly when hitting the bong. You don't have to vacuum lung the bong after every hit, milk the bong, then slowly inhale the smoke. You might still cough a little, but it won't be that bad. Once you get used to bongs, then you can milk it like a pro.
  12. pull the bong very slow untill you go to clear it...make sure al the smoke is yellow
  13. [quote name='"OSUB"']epsom salts and rubbing alcohol bro (isoprophyl 91%). you can find them at your local pharmacy, grocery store, etc. for cheap!!


    Thx man
  14. Get a male piece (slider) with a diffuser, or take a rubber pen grip and poke holes/make slits to form a diffuser and attach it to bottom of downstem (female piece) and ur hits will be soo smooth :D
  15. maybe buy a better bong? theres really not a lot of tips i can think of, because bong hits should not be nearly as rough as a joint. i always cough alot when smoking joints unless its super smooth dank. are you sure you put enough water in the bong so that the stem is properly submerged? also dont pack such a huge bowl and you wont burn your throat as much
  16. Yeah don't milk it stupid thick. Just slowly build it up in the chamber and clear like a bubbler or any other piece. Some people suck like maniacs to clear it, I keep a pretty constant draw the entire flight. And if it's a cheap bong it's cheap for a reason and you're totally sacrificing smoothness. Is it percolated anywhere? Trees? Downstem?

    Noobs choke, I choke if I don't use my bong for a while...

    Personally I think bongs are retarded and I own a nice one. Once you get over the wow factor you see how rough they are, how much they waste, and how high they raise your tolerance.

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