Bong question

Discussion in 'General' started by Stoner Chick, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Hey guys. I just recently bought the medium glass bong with the weed leaves on it from the GC store and I wasn't aware that it had a carb instead of being able to remove the piece where you pack the bowl. Now my question is am I supposed to use the carb or am I supposed to try to remove the bowl piece? ( it's kept in place with rubber). Also how much water should I use because everytime I hit it, the water bubbles.

  2. Use the carb and the smoke should bubble threw the water
  3. It doesnt really matter, i like carbs tho, clears pretty fast,

    and you want the water about a inch above the stem, unless you like alot of drag, then you can put more, its all a matter of opinion i guess
  4. If it's a carb'ed bong (not my personal preference) theres no real reason to remove the bowl unless it clears super slow.
  5. i'd use the carb easy to clear, you might like the results.
  6. i just got to use my new bong and i love it! i thought i wouldnt like the carb but now i definelty prefer it. i cant smoke after today because i have to take a drug test in 2-3 wks for a job and do NOT want to eff it up... so tonite im getting ridiculously high:smoking: hope all you guys are too :D
  7. Ya I bought one online a while ago that I didn't know was carbed and I was a little disappointed but I really like it now.

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